#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = We help business builders launch and grow their businesses. We help companies innovate. ### Title tour.name = Northeast Indiana Innovation Center ## Media ### Title panorama_89A8CF3C_98FA_8333_41A5_088E01D9842C.label = Innovation Aerial copy panorama_8B139418_98FE_84F3_41D7_109EF0631F86.label = DJI_0411 ## Popup ### Body htmlText_8B4ED7D2_98CB_8377_41C6_3F6053EC16F9.html =
We help entrepreneurs launch and businesses grow. We’ve helped to launch 467 new products and facilitated over $91.0 million in research grants and capital investments for our innovators. The businesses we’ve helped start and grow have a 92% survivability rate – and 5.0 points higher than our peers and 42.0 points better than the national average.
### Title window_8B4917D2_98CB_8377_41C7_1FF979EF933D.title = Northeast Indiana Innovation Center