#: locale=en ## Tour ### Title tour.name = COURT USERS (LOWER FLOORS) ## Skin ### Button Button_062AF830_1140_E215_418D_D2FC11B12C47.label = lorem ipsum Button_09419999_1A9F_6E2E_41A1_3A8DB72886F4.label = LITTERING Button_0941F993_1A9F_6E22_41B1_1D15880B6114.label = STEALING Button_0EBB2386_1A9B_6223_41B7_95EE337DAFE7.label = lorem ipsum Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0.label = WHO ARE PICs Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0_mobile.label = WHO ARE PICs Button_1B999D00_16C4_0505_41AB_D0C2E7857448.label = PANORAMA LIST Button_1B999D00_16C4_0505_41AB_D0C2E7857448_mobile.label = PANORAMA LIST Button_1B9A3D00_16C4_0505_41B2_6830155B7D52.label = HOME Button_1B9A3D00_16C4_0505_41B2_6830155B7D52_mobile.label = HOME Button_1B9A4D00_16C4_0505_4193_E0EA69B0CBB0.label = 3D DOLLHOUSE Button_1B9A4D00_16C4_0505_4193_E0EA69B0CBB0_mobile.label = 3D DOLLHOUSE Button_1B9A5D00_16C4_0505_41B0_D18F25F377C4.label = PHOTOALBUM Button_1B9A5D00_16C4_0505_41B0_D18F25F377C4_mobile.label = PHOTOALBUM Button_23F057B8_0C0A_629D_41A2_CD6BDCDB0145.label = lorem ipsum ### Multiline Text HTMLText_062AD830_1140_E215_41B0_321699661E7F.html =
WHo are the Person-in-Custody (PIC)?

consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.

lorem ipsum:
HTMLText_06A13CD8_1A87_262E_41B0_54AE5944EEA7.html =

Age: 35


HTMLText_095D8992_1A9F_6E22_4191_2536BE5265A5.html =
WHAT's Your Offence?

YouR Offence determines which court to proceed to.

Choose an option from below.

HTMLText_0B42C466_11C0_623D_4193_9FAB57A5AC33.html =

HTMLText_0B4B0DC1_11C0_6277_41A4_201A5BB3F7AE.html =

AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.75m


HTMLText_23F067B8_0C0A_629D_41A9_1A1C797BB055.html =
Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet

consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
HTMLText_28217A13_0D5D_5B97_419A_F894ECABEB04.html =
HTMLText_2F8A4686_0D4F_6B71_4183_10C1696E2923.html =
COURT 26 & Lock Up Area:
HTMLText_3918BF37_0C06_E393_41A1_17CF0ADBAB12.html =
Panorama list:
HTMLText_5A258EA4_1B2B_DE64_41A4_916EA12E2165.html =
john doe
licensed real estate salesperson

Tlf.: +11 111 111 111

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
HTMLText_5A261EA1_1B2B_DE1C_41B7_9CB64D1A857A.html =
real estate agent
HTMLText_AFA9491A_BBD4_A453_41C0_ED9AB5B7D59B.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_CD55D772_C215_B426_41D0_DE16C1DDC4BF.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_CD8A0D49_C20B_F463_41E5_30EE77AC1908.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_CDA7E1E1_C214_AC23_41D7_AFA941C7FB2B.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_CDC0595E_C217_FC61_41DE_4D4AAB5FBCAF.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_CDD6A611_C20D_97E3_41E7_C13A5221AB95.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_D99DB5AB_C230_A523_41DF_C90359970A0E.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_DC2B96CC_C230_6766_41E1_514D291FD968.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_DC409054_C231_FB66_41C1_19E3E24CFF4D.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
HTMLText_DD8DAACC_C230_AF65_41E3_448A71A490D8.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_F6D9124B_DE4F_83B0_41E0_AE4ED9BA3D01.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_F6D9324C_DE4F_83B0_41A7_2BD4E9A34F24.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_F6D9324C_DE4F_83B0_41D9_EF130D3CDB43.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_F6D9524D_DE4F_83B0_41D4_28122BE98FE6.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_F6D9624D_DE4F_83B0_41E4_BF8A74279FBB.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_F6DA4249_DE4F_83B0_41E1_49C28B82E170.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_F6DA9249_DE4F_83B0_41D6_C5CFD7B81AA3.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_F6DAA24A_DE4F_83B0_41DB_D1A7BCCC7D8C.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_F6DAC24A_DE4F_83B0_41E6_34429C63F138.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_F6DAF24B_DE4F_83B0_41D3_873A3124129E.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
HTMLText_F7C0B33C_DE4F_81D0_41E9_CEC14F0C031D.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_F88D393D_DE4A_81D0_4193_0830A43F945E.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_F88D493E_DE4A_81D0_41E6_CD256F4FA396.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_F88D693E_DE4A_81D0_41CB_B08BE24410F7.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_F88D893D_DE4A_81D0_41E0_109365FD2258.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_F88E2945_DE4A_81B0_41E8_C8AE7F890B1C.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_F88E2946_DE4A_81B0_41D2_022BF13A799D.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_F88E7946_DE4A_81B0_41C5_E6D10C4616E5.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_F88E9944_DE4A_81B0_41D6_432A75A90A7C.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
HTMLText_F88EF945_DE4A_81B0_41E2_DDEB223B6337.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_F88FA947_DE4A_81B0_41E8_8E607BBC3CB0.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_F8C3C26B_DE4E_8070_41CD_CA3839DB83E1.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_FA2D1E13_DE36_83D0_41E9_68905440A9DF.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_FA2D4E12_DE36_83D0_41E0_52F850F80913.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_FA2D6E12_DE36_83D0_41E4_BF031F131393.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_FA2D8E11_DE36_83D0_41E8_3188F9A2EDF5.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_FA2DDE11_DE36_83D0_41EB_2EC8777E1A4C.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_FA2DEE10_DE36_83D0_41C4_C8E2FC16D3E6.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
HTMLText_FA2E0E10_DE36_83D0_41B2_D0CDDABBC599.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_FA2E5E0A_DE36_83B0_41C6_D9DCB18A248A.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_FA2E6E09_DE36_83B0_41DB_A524CC70B273.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_FA2EAE09_DE36_83B0_41B7_EF855E83B2FC.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_FA60120C_DE39_83B0_41E5_7BAE8BB26672.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
HTMLText_FA60220B_DE39_83B0_41EB_13B78B859D00.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_FA603205_DE39_83B0_41E1_234D1967C52D.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_FA60520C_DE39_83B0_41CB_EA270102EF6C.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_FA60920D_DE39_83B0_41E4_714992FCA738.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_FA60A20D_DE39_83B0_41DB_5C67F925DE09.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_FA60E20E_DE39_83B0_41AE_DAAC47D1EEB4.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_FA61220E_DE39_83B0_41E4_4EEB6C2B0591.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_FA63A204_DE39_83B0_4192_F34057B6D06E.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_FA63E205_DE39_83B0_41D9_39B17F7D331D.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_FA9A3CE4_DE36_8070_41E4_8E8BB4366CAF.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_FA9A5CE5_DE36_8070_41B6_D301F4091D2E.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_FA9B1CEE_DE36_8070_41EB_47EC7ABA527B.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_FA9B4CEE_DE36_8070_41D3_A509D6B67676.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_FA9B8CEC_DE36_8070_41D0_018F790AA4C4.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
HTMLText_FA9B9CE5_DE36_8070_41E0_9FF02C3795C8.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_FA9BBCE6_DE36_8070_41E7_D34F0B971351.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_FA9BBCEC_DE36_8070_41C5_7996AEFF09DC.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_FA9BECED_DE36_8070_41E4_F5A8D1D5B576.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_FA9BFCED_DE36_8070_41E4_26F588C53596.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_FB1228F4_DE4B_8050_41B2_AAC03B62A671.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_FB1268F3_DE4B_8050_41D4_2682C799E884.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_FB1268F3_DE4B_8050_41EB_1469938DB9CE.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_FB12CBB2_DE4B_80D0_41C5_A3CF7D0B3435.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_FB1308EB_DE4B_8070_4196_D687054368F1.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_FB1308EB_DE4B_8070_41E9_C5E44C133D73.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_FB1348EA_DE4B_8070_41E0_6C2AABBE8FB7.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_FB1368EA_DE4B_8070_41D4_4715482B77BB.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_FB13A8F1_DE4B_8050_41D4_214D9B156B14.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_FB13A8F2_DE4B_8050_41DA_A272AF983DDE.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_FB13C8EC_DE4B_8070_41D3_CA6A80DD8429.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
HTMLText_FB1C0BBB_DE4B_80D0_41C2_67248565CCD0.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_FB1C0BBB_DE4B_80D0_41D6_FAA47D281469.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_FB1C7BBC_DE4B_80D0_41DB_1F9E6C360CAD.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_FB1D1BB2_DE4B_80D0_41E0_A8DA021B7C7E.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_FB1D5BB3_DE4B_80D0_41E5_48163FE5F64A.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_FB1D7BB3_DE4B_80D0_41EB_31E670DC867E.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_FB1DBBB4_DE4B_80D0_41EB_662CF38AF935.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
HTMLText_FB1DCBB4_DE4B_80D0_41C8_298021854014.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_FB1DDBB5_DE4B_80D0_41C8_61E02DA373EE.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_FB3C026B_DE4E_8070_41B3_01FB2005C6B6.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_FB3C5269_DE4E_8070_41EB_5A3E0D95EE58.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_FB3C6269_DE4E_8070_41D4_86DC6FD71E6D.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_FB3C626A_DE4E_8070_41E3_57E2395319B3.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_FB3C9268_DE4E_8070_41BF_D4A3EBDFED74.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_FB3CB269_DE4E_8070_41EB_B551374E68CF.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
HTMLText_FB3CC267_DE4E_8070_41D6_DD169F5045A6.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_FB3D3267_DE4E_8070_41E3_F3CD4B7A15D2.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_FB3D6266_DE4E_8070_41D9_7865A04BCB8F.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_FB400A46_DE49_83B0_41EB_D2E2F343B053.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_FB402A46_DE49_83B0_41E6_A5EC491EBB9A.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_FB405A47_DE49_83B0_41E6_E3B851DD71CB.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_FB407A47_DE49_83B0_41DE_831A409CD014.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_FB408A48_DE49_83B0_41E8_51D6E8C74C06.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
HTMLText_FB40DA49_DE49_83B0_41DD_FA9D9CC9EDBB.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_FB40DA4A_DE49_83B0_41A3_9A290E144A70.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_FB40EA48_DE49_83B0_41E0_5B73283FFBA8.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_FB410A4A_DE49_83B0_41DC_870542A7F391.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_FB410A50_DE49_8050_41E5_69160ACB1A61.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_FD2224C6_DE3E_80B0_41DA_3648AD439FE6.html =
The basement carpark is where judicial officers who drive to work begin their day. The carpark, which consists of an outer and inner ring, is a secured area that has no public access. After the judicial officers have parked, they will head towards the lift to reach their office. (Swipe right to access the Family Justice Court, click button in front to proceed to the judicial officer’s office).
HTMLText_FD2244C7_DE3E_80B0_41E7_EB67BC837D57.html =
This access-controlled lift brings the judicial officers to the concourse on Level 2 of the building. From the concourse, they can proceed to a courtroom or to their office.
HTMLText_FD2274C7_DE3E_80B0_41E1_6DF8F264CFE5.html =
The carpark is connected to both the State Courts and the Family Justice Courts, via a passageway. This passageway can be used only by judicial officers who have access to the Family Justice Courts.
HTMLText_FD2304CB_DE3E_80B0_41CE_3B4DE1D5E2A4.html =
This is a room where a witness waits for his turn to testify in court. When it is his turn to give evidence, a police officer will call out his name and the witness will be led to the witness stand.
HTMLText_FD2334CA_DE3E_80B0_41E6_4335257B5538.html =
The judicial officers prepare their cases in their chambers, a quiet and conducive environment. When it is time for them to begin their court session, they will walk through an antechamber – a small room leading to the courtroom.
HTMLText_FD2334CB_DE3E_80B0_41D7_34E3923619F3.html =
Stepping into a brightly-lit courtroom, the judicial officer takes his seat on the Bench and commences hearing for the day.
HTMLText_FD23B4C8_DE3E_80B0_419F_BF79FFFF143A.html =
This secured open-air octagon-shaped path takes the State Court judges to their various destinations. Along the way, they can observe the goings-on in the central atrium.
HTMLText_FD23D4C9_DE3E_80B0_41CF_E8E04EEC4BAB.html =
Where a civil matter proceeds to trial, the judicial officer will hear the matter in one of these courts. The parties will present evidence to, and make their submissions before the judicial officer. Thereafter, the judicial officer will give judgment.
HTMLText_FD23E4CA_DE3E_80B0_41E4_FE4F285416DE.html =
This is the State Courts’ Language Services Department. As all court proceedings in Singapore are conducted in English, the Language Services Department provides interpretation services to non-English speaking parties in the court proceedings.
HTMLText_FD23F4C8_DE3E_80B0_41D3_B451E6702E0F.html =
All interlocutory civil applications (i.e. applications that are filed and heard before the trial) are heard by judicial officers in the Civil Registry.
### Label Label_006F4031_19F5_C27C_41A0_9284B8E16D41.text = LEVEL 3 Label_006F4031_19F5_C27C_41A0_9284B8E16D41_mobile.text = LEVEL 3 Label_012AE06C_19D5_C2E4_41AE_190E97C2C1A5.text = CIVIL REGISTRY Label_012AE06C_19D5_C2E4_41AE_190E97C2C1A5_mobile.text = CIVIL REGISTRY Label_020EED92_19D5_C23C_41B1_E8AC59599576.text = i-CONNECT Label_020EED92_19D5_C23C_41B1_E8AC59599576_mobile.text = i-CONNECT Label_0215D8F0_19EB_C3FC_41B0_E2157B979DCC.text = CENTRE FOR DISPUTE RESOLUTION Label_0215D8F0_19EB_C3FC_41B0_E2157B979DCC_mobile.text = CENTRE FOR DISPUTE RESOLUTION Label_02B49E72_19F7_5EFC_41A1_983DE27DBF13.text = COURT 3 HOLDING ROOM Label_02B49E72_19F7_5EFC_41A1_983DE27DBF13_mobile.text = COURT 3 HOLDING ROOM Label_02B5901A_19D6_C22C_4195_B89D90238001.text = CRIME REGISTRY Label_02B5901A_19D6_C22C_4195_B89D90238001_mobile.text = CRIME REGISTRY Label_03010D74_19F5_42E4_41B5_8F3FEB26BF1C.text = PASSAGEWAY Label_03010D74_19F5_42E4_41B5_8F3FEB26BF1C_mobile.text = PASSAGEWAY Label_0304F384_19EE_C624_41A4_E9C99842FEBA.text = SENIOR DPP'S OFFICE Label_0304F384_19EE_C624_41A4_E9C99842FEBA_mobile.text = SENIOR DPP'S OFFICE Label_03065E66_19EB_BEE4_419E_95E6C18E22AC.text = ATRIUM Label_03065E66_19EB_BEE4_419E_95E6C18E22AC_mobile.text = ATRIUM Label_030A7F46_19EB_5E24_41A3_3147DDBDB0E4.text = COMMUNITY JUSTICE CENTRE Label_030A7F46_19EB_5E24_41A3_3147DDBDB0E4_mobile.text = COMMUNITY JUSTICE CENTRE Label_0321C7FA_19F7_4DEC_41B1_3306BAE2D7D0.text = COURT 3 SECURED DOCK Label_0321C7FA_19F7_4DEC_41B1_3306BAE2D7D0_mobile.text = COURT 3 SECURED DOCK Label_03332121_19ED_421C_4197_AE82FE049E87.text = PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE CENTRE Label_03332121_19ED_421C_4197_AE82FE049E87_mobile.text = PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE CENTRE Label_03C153BC_19ED_C664_4172_A4377CCC4E01.text = BAR ROOM Label_03C153BC_19ED_C664_4172_A4377CCC4E01_mobile.text = BAR ROOM Label_03F652FD_19EA_C7E4_41B3_D49EBB1862AE.text = COMMUNITY JUSTICE & TRIBUNAL DIVISION Label_03F652FD_19EA_C7E4_41B3_D49EBB1862AE_mobile.text = COMMUNITY JUSTICE & TRIBUNAL DIVISION Label_0DD14F09_1744_0507_41AA_D8475423214A.text = MAIN ENTRANCE Label_0DD14F09_1744_0507_41AA_D8475423214A_mobile.text = MAIN ENTRANCE Label_0DD1AF09_1744_0507_41B4_9F5A60B503B2.text = LEVEL 1 Label_0DD1AF09_1744_0507_41B4_9F5A60B503B2_mobile.text = LEVEL 1 Label_C8CF7959_C618_B114_41E6_BE8530933CE7.text = LEVEL 2 Label_C8CF7959_C618_B114_41E6_BE8530933CE7_mobile.text = LEVEL 2 ### Tooltip IconButton_48603CA0_5144_480E_41D3_4AA9457D5A1A.toolTip = PERSONS-IN-CUSTODY IconButton_48603CA0_5144_480E_41D3_4AA9457D5A1A_mobile.toolTip = PERSONS-IN-CUSTODY IconButton_4881B2C1_514C_F80F_41B2_72748A7E3CD4.toolTip = COURT USERS (UPPER FLOORS) IconButton_4881B2C1_514C_F80F_41B2_72748A7E3CD4_mobile.toolTip = COURT USERS (UPPER FLOORS) IconButton_48D372C9_5144_781F_41C9_CFD40095276C.toolTip = JUDGES IconButton_48D372C9_5144_781F_41C9_CFD40095276C_mobile.toolTip = JUDGES IconButton_48F93ACA_514C_481D_41AE_7D9B2D1A73BA.toolTip = COURT USERS (LOWER FLOORS) IconButton_48F93ACA_514C_481D_41AE_7D9B2D1A73BA_mobile.toolTip = COURT USERS (LOWER FLOORS) ## Media ### Title panorama_7F176423_461C_D20E_41B4_A65531C03B12.label = I centre for dispute resolution low revised panorama_8476A2CA_AC47_BBC4_41CF_695EF66E234D.label = C crime registry entrance low panorama_8A00BBDC_AC47_C9FD_41E1_1E46F88A973D.label = F CJTD entrance low panorama_8A03429E_AC46_7A7D_41DF_D932B84DBE8E.label = H centre for disoute resolution entrance low panorama_8A03DF58_AC46_4AC5_4188_27C2259A13AE.label = G CJTD low panorama_8A142501_AC47_DE47_41BF_1A01C58D3FC0.label = D crime registry low panorama_8AFC890D_AC47_F65F_41D6_0E34FDE647C8.label = E 33 service yard (Level 1) low panorama_B14F2F8C_AE0B_A66E_419D_854918A7D045.label = J Atrium low - Copy panorama_E4A61E6A_ACB9_C67E_41C7_9FCD9B6A16DD.label = 6 Senior DPP Room low panorama_E4A82AD8_ACB9_4E5B_4180_D755D24103DE.label = 9 PTC outside low panorama_E4A93A4E_ACB9_C9B7_41D9_1E24CBB3DD36.label = 5 Bar Roomps low panorama_E4A9ECD5_ACBF_CA55_41E0_D1D94CD0BCDB.label = B civil registry low panorama_E4AA4843_ACBF_C9AD_41DA_1B10F0F10F9D.label = A civil registry entrance low panorama_E4ACB5FF_ACB9_7A55_41BC_02C9AD27B976.label = 8 PTC staircase landing low panorama_E4AD03A8_ACB8_FEFB_41D5_B211207555B4.label = 11 Outside CJC Community Centreps low panorama_E4ADA5B8_ACB9_DADB_41D6_0C940142AFCA.label = 4 Outside Bar Room low panorama_E4ADC24B_ACB9_39BD_41DA_788F1E0A7AA1.label = 3 Atrium low panorama_E4AEA710_ACB8_C7AB_41D6_F39E34492E2A.label = 12 inside CJC Community Centreps low panorama_E4AFAF1E_ACB8_C7D7_41D4_D771F7DAA463.label = 10 PTC low panorama_E4C46D81_ACB9_4AAD_4195_FE55FEDEB777.label = 2 main entrance security low panorama_E4D5A1D8_ACB9_5A5A_41E5_3AB76D6F4524.label = 7 Atrium - Copy low panorama_FDA10916_ACB9_4BD6_41D7_B5D53FDABC9B.label = 1 Main Entrance low ## Popup ### Body htmlText_747F27C4_461F_BE09_4187_3ED76A210826.html =
At the State Courts Centre for Dispute Resolution, parties attend before judges for dispute resolution in respect of civil claims, relational disputes and Magistrate’s Complaints, and early neutral evaluation of selected cases.
htmlText_C185706D_EBD0_D7DE_41D1_415444F1068B.html =
Just past the Crime Registry is the i-Connect, where families of accused persons may obtain assistance from staff of the Singapore After-Care Association.
htmlText_C1E8BAE7_EBD0_C8CA_41E1_BDA823E3FCE7.html =
This is the satellite office of the Attorney-General’s Chambers. A Senior Deputy Public Prosecutor sits in this room to provide assistance and advice to prosecuting officers.
htmlText_C1F58390_EBDF_D946_41BE_6A0B8CBDB4EF.html =
The Crime Registry handles all administrative matters relating to cases that come under the purview of the Criminal Justice Division. These include processing of proposed sureties who wish to furnish bail for accused persons.
htmlText_C20866A3_EBD0_3B4A_41E4_47A3CCF908E8.html =
For cases where the accused has claimed trial, the matter will be fixed for Pre-Trial Conference at this centre. The purpose of the PTC is to prepare parties for trial and to settle any administrative matters before the trial date is fixed.
htmlText_C225D8A7_EBD0_D74A_41B7_106AF03FE543.html =
All visitors to the State Courts Building have to undergo mandatory security screening upon entry.
htmlText_C23AE4D7_EBD1_D8CA_41C9_08149BEC79A0.html =
The Civil Registry handles all administrative matters relating to the operations of the Civil Justice Division. Parties also wait in the Civil Registry for their matter to be heard by a judge in chambers.
htmlText_C242A531_EBD0_7946_41DC_C4720F1EC51C.html =
Visitors can take a flight of stairs to the central atrium on the second level. The atrium is a naturally-lit area that extends to the full height of the building. Visitors can use this as a rest area while waiting for their court hearing.
htmlText_C2600C36_EBD0_CF4A_41B9_E9114EEA24A2.html =
The Community Justice and Tribunals Division handles cases relating to community disputes, employment claims and small claims.
htmlText_C2FBB141_EBD0_39C6_4196_6FF23A5EDB70.html =
The Bar Room is an area for lawyers to gather in between their hearings.
htmlText_C36B54B7_EBD0_5F4A_41DA_F2E15A7DEBF1.html =
The Community Justice Centre (CJC) is a community partnership among the public sector, the philanthropic sector, and the legal profession. CJC renders assistance to court users who are not represented by lawyers. Services include free legal consultations, victim assistance, and accompanying litigants-in-person to hearings.
## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8403FDB_8BCB_B5C8_41B7_8AA1CC82A693.toolTip = To Community Justice & Tribunals Division HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8407FDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D2_572268618714.toolTip = Walk towards Pre-Trial Conference Centre HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8409FDB_8BCB_B5C8_41C6_6F1520F3ECB2.toolTip = Click to enter HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A840BFDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D4_B1CFF6526A22.toolTip = To Bar Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8414FDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D3_93216DF31B34.toolTip = Back to Main Page HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8416FDB_8BCB_B5C8_41E0_E1F00DADF429.toolTip = To Senior DPP Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8418FDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D6_F25BB0EDA894.toolTip = To Security Area HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8423FDC_8BCB_B5C8_41D1_69F713050B8B.toolTip = To Atrium HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8425FDB_8BCB_B5C8_41C8_B32D47BED66B.toolTip = To Civil Registry HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8426FDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D8_37D3794F2F90.toolTip = Click to enter HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8427FDC_8BCB_B5C8_41C5_60E3D8C5186A.toolTip = To Community Justice Centre HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8429FDC_8BCB_B5C8_41D9_A6D932AD4F35.toolTip = Click to enter HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A842FFDB_8BCB_B5C8_41E1_03D94F2648C2.toolTip = Return to Main Page HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A842FFDC_8BCB_B5C8_41D7_369018BBEF02.toolTip = To Pre-Trial Conference Centre HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A843CFDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D2_0204158C2B7A.toolTip = To Bar Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A843EFDB_8BCB_B5C8_41CD_BD643751E04F.toolTip = Click to i-CONNECT HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A84E0FDA_8BCB_B5C8_41D1_C3B3C7CFDAB3.toolTip = To Crime Registry HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A84E2FDA_8BCB_B5C8_41CD_58D4E55C4687.toolTip = Click to enter HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A84E6FDA_8BCB_B5C8_41D2_72B9C8180DF1.toolTip = Click to enter HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A84E8FDA_8BCB_B5C8_41DB_75D6457AEA6B.toolTip = To PTC Centre HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A84F2FDA_8BCB_B5C8_41BE_1C2A61025246.toolTip = Click to enter HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A84F7FDA_8BCB_B5C8_41C0_32CE500E673C.toolTip = To Dispute Resolution Centre HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A84FAFDA_8BCB_B5C8_41A0_4B079D85C9DC.toolTip = To Atrium HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A84FFFDA_8BCB_B5C8_4162_A75D792D109B.toolTip = Click to enter ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_A840CFDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D5_6BB516B3DF5F.source = http://appdevserver.com/wp/Stat_courts/spaces.html LinkBehaviour_A840CFDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D5_6BB516B3DF5F.source = http://appdevserver.com/wp/Stat_courts/spaces.html LinkBehaviour_A841DFDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D2_30C43963F9CE.source = https://storage.net-fs.com/hosting/5760510/22/index.htm LinkBehaviour_A841DFDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D2_30C43963F9CE.source = https://storage.net-fs.com/hosting/5760510/22/index.htm LinkBehaviour_A841DFDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D2_30C43963F9CE.source = https://storage.net-fs.com/hosting/5760510/22/index.htm LinkBehaviour_A841DFDB_8BCB_B5C8_41D2_30C43963F9CE.source = https://storage.net-fs.com/hosting/5760510/22/index.htm 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