#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = 18.19 ### Title tour.name = CENTENNIAL TOWER ## Skin ### Button Button_062AF830_1140_E215_418D_D2FC11B12C47.label = lorem ipsum Button_062AF830_1140_E215_418D_D2FC11B12C47_mobile.label = lorem ipsum Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0.label = INFORMATION Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0_mobile.label = INFORMATION Button_1B999D00_16C4_0505_41AB_D0C2E7857448.label = PANORAMA LIST Button_1B999D00_16C4_0505_41AB_D0C2E7857448_mobile.label = PANORAMA LIST Button_1B9A3D00_16C4_0505_41B2_6830155B7D52.label = REALTOR Button_1B9A3D00_16C4_0505_41B2_6830155B7D52_mobile.label = REALTOR Button_1B9A4D00_16C4_0505_4193_E0EA69B0CBB0.label = FLOORPLAN Button_1B9A4D00_16C4_0505_4193_E0EA69B0CBB0_mobile.label = FLOORPLAN Button_1B9A5D00_16C4_0505_41B0_D18F25F377C4.label = PHOTOALBUM Button_1B9A5D00_16C4_0505_41B0_D18F25F377C4_mobile.label = PHOTOALBUM Button_1B9A6D00_16C4_0505_4197_F2108627CC98.label = LOCATION Button_1B9A6D00_16C4_0505_4197_F2108627CC98_mobile.label = LOCATION Button_221B5648_0C06_E5FD_4198_40C786948FF0.label = lorem ipsum Button_221B5648_0C06_E5FD_4198_40C786948FF0_mobile.label = lorem ipsum Button_23F057B8_0C0A_629D_41A2_CD6BDCDB0145.label = lorem ipsum Button_23F057B8_0C0A_629D_41A2_CD6BDCDB0145_mobile.label = lorem ipsum Button_E81A40ED_E7A9_7373_41D1_ADF886A91089.label = CURRENT Button_E840D67B_E7B8_9F57_41DF_AFE2AC844C9E.label = STAGED Button_F253BC44_E7F7_B2B1_41E1_5A5A2629F307.label = lorem ipsum Button_F314E328_E878_B6F1_41E2_46593C9EE799_mobile.label = lorem ipsum ### Multiline Text HTMLText_062AD830_1140_E215_41B0_321699661E7F.html =
Coastal Breeze Residences

This is a 99 years leasehold condominium, located at 10 Loyang Besar Close in District 17, Pasir Ris.

Grace Cheong
+65 9769 2662

HTMLText_062AD830_1140_E215_41B0_321699661E7F_mobile.html =
Coastal Breeze Residences

This is a 99 years leasehold condominium, located at 10 Loyang Besar Close in District 17, Pasir Ris.

Grace Cheong
+65 9769 2662

HTMLText_0B42C466_11C0_623D_4193_9FAB57A5AC33.html =
real estate agent
HTMLText_0B42C466_11C0_623D_4193_9FAB57A5AC33_mobile.html =
real estate agent
HTMLText_0B4B0DC1_11C0_6277_41A4_201A5BB3F7AE.html =
john doe
licensed real estate salesperson

Tlf.: +11 111 111 111

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
HTMLText_0B4B0DC1_11C0_6277_41A4_201A5BB3F7AE_mobile.html =
john doe
licensed real estate salesperson

Tlf.: +11 111 111 111

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
HTMLText_221B6648_0C06_E5FD_41A0_77851DC2C548.html =

address line 1
address line 2

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac.
HTMLText_221B6648_0C06_E5FD_41A0_77851DC2C548_mobile.html =

address line 1
address line 2

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac.
HTMLText_23F067B8_0C0A_629D_41A9_1A1C797BB055.html =
Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet

consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
HTMLText_23F067B8_0C0A_629D_41A9_1A1C797BB055_mobile.html =
Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet

consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
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Panorama list:
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Panorama list:
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Located in the Central Business District in the zone of Marina Centre, The Great Room occupies 36,000 sqft over 2 floors, with gorgeous views and natural light. It is a 1 min walk from Promenade MRT station and 10 minutes from Esplanade MRT station.

3 Temasek Avenue, Level 17 & 18, Centennial Tower, Singapore 039190

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Panorama list:
HTMLText_F3159322_E878_B6F1_41C5_E43C4A6212DF_mobile.html =

Located in the Central Business District in the zone of Marina Centre, The Great Room occupies 36,000 sqft over 2 floors, with gorgeous views and natural light. It is a 1 min walk from Promenade MRT station and 10 minutes from Esplanade MRT station.

3 Temasek Avenue, Level 17 & 18, Centennial Tower, Singapore 039190

HTMLText_F3301BBA_E9AF_75D1_41D6_93BE65540A8E_mobile.html =
Panorama list:
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The Drawing Room is the heart of the space where most of the action takes place. During the day, it is a common area where members host their guests or have casual discussions. Our weekly Monday Breakfast Club is hosted here with an onsite barista to create your favourite cuppa!

Once the sun sets, the Drawing Room doubles up as a perfect and intimate event venue that can host up to 120 pax. We have hosted product launches, cocktail parties and even a fashion runway!

htmlText_1617177F_05FE_5C19_4192_27379D62A012.html =
A 14 pax beautifully appointed boardroom in our warm lighting, highlights sophistication and is sure to make a great first impression for clinching that important deal.
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A 4-pax private meeting room.
htmlText_167371C3_05CB_D469_4166_7D0294F04558.html =
The Parlour is a thoughtfully designed lounge area that is perfect for a cozy coaching session or a evening whiskey tasting.

Combined with Studio and Atelier, it can double up as a breakout area during events for guests to socialise or seat up to 60 pax in theatre style.
htmlText_167CF16B_05FA_5439_4196_BC6802E041A7.html =
A 5-pax Private Premium Office with a city view.

All our dedicated offices are ready to move-in, fitted out with tables, chairs and storage solutions. Dedicated Office members can enjoy the use of the lounges, nooks and phone booths.
htmlText_169A89F3_05C9_D429_4153_1C9BC0C6C0BF.html =
The BOH pantry is built to facilitate interactions between members and create opportunities for them to share ideas and forge friendships.
htmlText_16B600BF_05F9_B419_418C_68AC596F6748.html =
The pantry is the ideal spot for casual collision between the like-minded community to share collaborative ideas and forge friendships.
htmlText_16B88355_05F6_F469_4174_44F11F369D3D.html =

A 15-pax Private Office with a city view.

All our dedicated offices are ready to move-in, fitted out with tables, chairs and storage solutions. Dedicated Office members can enjoy the use of the lounges, nooks and phone booths.
htmlText_16BA0842_05CE_F46B_4192_638A97A739F5.html =

A 16-pax Private Office with a city view.

All our dedicated offices are ready to move-in, fitted out with tables, chairs and storage solutions. Dedicated Office members can enjoy the use of the lounges, nooks and phone booths.
htmlText_16C59407_05CA_53E9_4193_2928FCC4D836.html =
A 6-pax private meeting room that is suitable for meetings or roundtable discussions.
htmlText_16CFE8C2_05D9_D46B_4130_0C4758DB5DA8.html =
The Studio is a dynamic meeting space that is equipped with a projector, screen and AV system. It can be separated by a partition or combined with Atelier and Parlour.

Seats up to 10 pax around the table or 30 pax in theatre style, perfect for workshops, presentations, brainstorming sessions and seminars.
htmlText_16FBA883_05D6_D4E9_4178_68A53BEF9AA9.html =
The Atelier can seat up to 6 pax around the table.

Combined with Studio, it can fit up to 45 pax in theatre style.
## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A403BDFC_ED65_294A_41D8_686AB0A28D5E.toolTip = TO BOH PANTRY HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A50701B5_ED6E_F9DA_41E0_0F1FF68B3BAB.toolTip = TO THE CIRCLE HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A672B0DD_ED6D_F74A_41C9_01BDD71CD8C7.toolTip = TO BOH PANTRY HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A98D9CCD_ED6D_6F45_41E9_0652D535A58E.toolTip = TO STUDIO HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A9BC6575_ED65_595A_41EB_DFE4B47222F5.toolTip = TO STUDY III HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AA43B64B_ED6D_7B4E_41DF_D00141D0462D.toolTip = TO LIFT LOBBY HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_ABAFF755_ED6A_F95A_41D0_015BE4CDD053.toolTip = TO THE CIRCLE HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_ACAD867F_ED2F_3B46_41E2_76F5A5FFA05C.toolTip = TO BOH PANTRY HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AF43BA71_ED6B_2B5A_41E2_6CEF86EBFE76.toolTip = TO THE CIRCLE HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C00FF881_EDFD_77BA_41E7_9DD22EEBB35A.toolTip = TO LIFT LOBBY HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C02C315F_EDFB_F946_41EA_A5E9330DDB79.toolTip = TO 18.23 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