#: locale=en
## Tour
### Description
tour.description = CFAO-Suzuki NG 360-VR Showroom created by www.frameafric.com
### Title
tour.name = CFAO-Suzuki NG 360-VR Showroom
## Skin
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Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
HTMLText_7DB2E382_7065_343F_41C2_951F708170F1.html = Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
HTMLText_BD872AD4_9478_3C4B_41E0_004DEE953DF2.html = JOHN DOE
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
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CFAO Motors - Suzuki Nigeria
## Media
### Title
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## Popup
### Body
htmlText_10216477_2D8D_BB94_419B_412BB18881A3.html = Wheels: Alloy
Tyre dimension: 195/55R16
Ground clearance (mm): 160
Wheelbase (mm): 2650
htmlText_438B301E_4E0E_4686_41BA_001D3A8A10F2.html = • Smart link display audio (SLDA)
• Radio,CD/MP3 radio, USB, aux, bluetooth
• Rear AC vents
• Fabric seats
htmlText_50C8C231_4142_5E6A_41C5_A2265C7B9884.html = • Smart Link Display Audio (SLDA only available in GLX SLDA model)
• Keyless Entry System,
• Steering Wheel Audio Control, Parking Sensor.
• Radio CD/MP3, USB, Aux, Bluetooth, Etc.
• Driver and Passenger Airbags.
• Front/Rear Parking Sensors.
• Push Start and Keyless Entry.
htmlText_5209393B_46DE_38DE_41B3_38F59634C1D7.html = ENGINE
Displacement (cc): 796
Fuel System: multipoint injection
Fuel type: Petrol
Dimensions (Lxwxh) in mm: 3446*1490*1475
Ground clearance (mm): 160
Wheelbase (mm): 2360
Gearbox : Manual
Curb weight (kg) : 755
Fuel tank capacity (L) : 35
Manufacturer Warranty : 3 years / 100.000 km (whichever comes first)
Retail Network : Suzuki
htmlText_521E7776_4146_46D6_41BF_CF43380C3894.html = • Power Steering.
• Radio, Bluetooth Connections, Aux, Radio CD / MP3 Radio CD.
• Manual Power windows.
• Central door locking.
• Driver and Passenger Airbags.
htmlText_54272BFD_42C2_CDDA_41B5_CE3C13318F93.html = STYLE AND COMFORT THAT MOVES YOU.
• CD/MP3 radio
• Fabric seats
• Driver and passenger airbags
htmlText_5560397C_46EA_1B5A_41A2_F90691899B4C.html = With its compact size and fuel efficiency, this elegant small car is perfect for a smooth drive around the city.
Displacement (cc): 796
Fuel System: Multipoint injection
Fuel type: Petrol
Interior - Fabric
Dimensions (Lxwxh) in mm: 3446*1490*1475
Curb weight (kg) : 755
Fuel tank capacity (L) : 35
Mojito Green Pearl Metallic (ZWK)
Superior White (26U)
Silky Silver Metalic (Z2S)
Brilliant Yellow (ZAL)
Blazing Red Pearl Metalic (ZTF)
Cerulean Blue Pearl Metallic (ZQA)
Manufacturer Warranty : 3 years / 100.000 km (whichever comes first)
Retail Network : Suzuki
htmlText_5684D4CB_42C1_DA3E_41C9_65FBEFF526B3.html = • Bluetooth Connections, Aux, Radio CD / MP3 Radio CD
• Power windows
• Steering wheel audio control
• Driver and Passenger Airbags
• Automatic AC and Rear Vents
• Rear Camera and Parking Sensors
• Push Start System and Keyless Entry
• Steering Switch for Audio Control
• Power Steering
htmlText_69290F10_66EF_E969_4183_B0DDBE458B13.html = Tyre dimension: 215/55R17
Wheels: Alloy
Ground clearance (mm): 185
Wheelbase (mm): 2500
htmlText_6C4270FF_472A_0956_41CA_F65A2DFA2C5B.html = Space that indulges your desire
Engine Capacity: 1.2L
Displacement (cc): 1197
Fuel System: Multipoint injection
Fuel type: Petrol
Max Power: 83HP
Front Fog Lamps
Dimensions (Lxwxh) in mm: 3995*1735*1515
Gearbox: Automatic
Curb weight (kg): 890
Fuel tank capacity (L): 37
Premium silver Metallic- (ZZP)
Phoenix Red Pearl- (ZZH)
Sherwood Brown Pearl Metallic (ZYB)
Magma Gray Metallic (Z7Q)
Arctic White Pearl (ZHJ)
Oxford Blue Pearl Metallic (ZYA)
Magma Gray Metallic (Z7Q)
Midnight Black Pearl (ZAM)
Manufacturer Warranty: 3 years/ 100.000km (whichever comes first)
Retail Network: Suzuki
htmlText_6C97D499_4899_BE63_41C3_3B4C756326B6.html = ENGINE
Engine Capacity:1.5L
Displacement (cc): 1462
Fuel System: multipoint injection
Fuel type: Petrol
Max Power 95HP
Chrome Package
Front Fog Lamps
LED and Automatic Lamps
Dimensions (Lxwxh) in mm: 4490*1730*1475
Gearbox: Automatic
Curb weight (kg): 1020
Fuel tank capacity (L): 43
Dignity Brown Pearl Metallic 2 (ZQU)
Snow White Pearl 2 (ZTR)
Mineral Gray Metallic 2 (ZTU)
Super Black Pearl 2 (ZTT)
Star Silver Metallic 4 (ZTS)
Manufacturer Warranty: 3 years/ 100.000km (whichever comes first)
Retail Network: Suzuki
htmlText_6EFED435_473A_08EA_41D1_5D941ABEAECF.html =
LED headlamps
LED daytime running lamps and fog lamps
Suzuki's traditional SUV motifs
Front/rear parking sensor
Silver roof rails
Note: Features available for GLX version only
Dimensions (Lxwxh) in mm: 4175*1775*1610
Gearbox: Automatic
Curb weight (kg): 1075
Fuel tank capacity (L): 47
Ice Grayish Blue Metallic / Cosmic Black Pearl Metallic (DBF)
Savanna Ivory Metallic / Cosmic Black Pearl Metallic (A9N)
Solar Yellow Pearl Metallic / Cosmic Black Pearl Metallic (DBH)
Solar Yellow Pearl Metallic / Superior White (DBG)
Galactic Gray Metallic / Cosmic Black Pearl Metallic (A9G)
Atlantis Turquoise Pearl Metallic / Cosmic Black Pearl Metallic (A9L)
Atlantis Turquoise Pearl Metallic / Superior White (A6H)
Bright Red 5 / Cosmic Black Pearl Metallic (A9H)
Cool White Pearl (ZNL)
Silky Silver Metallic 2 (ZCC)
Galactic Gray Metallic (ZCD)
Cosmic Black Pearl Metallic (ZCE)
Bright Red 5 (ZCF)
Atlantis Turquoise Pearl Metallic (ZQN)
Superior White (26U)
Bright Red 5 (ZCF)
Manufacturer Warranty: 3 years/100.000km (whichever comes first)
Retail Network: Suzuki
htmlText_741B2B2C_6726_A9B9_41CA_3467ADCA9F29.html = Tyre dimension: 185/80R15
Wheels: Alloy
Ground clearance (mm): 145
Wheelbase (mm): 2450
htmlText_74509386_66E6_F969_41C1_39C4C89F9CB3.html = Tyre dimension: 145/70R13
Wheels: Aluminium
Ground clearance (mm): 160
Wheelbase (mm): 2360
htmlText_74ECAEFF_672F_A897_41CE_EA0B09B59902.html = Tyre dimension: 195/80R15
Wheels: Aluminium
Ground clearance (mm): 210
Wheelbase (mm): 2250
Hill Descent Control Tyre
ABS with Electronic Breakeforce Distribution
htmlText_75FBAD4C_760A_DE8A_41D3_D3B37D5AE4CD.html =
Welcome to the Suzuki 360-VR Virtual Showroom by CFAO.
Click on the pointers to start navigating.
htmlText_8542F940_8AFD_0287_41C0_C73A96AB899A.html = ENGINE
Engine Capacity: 1:5L
Max Power: 102HP
Displacement (cc) : 1462
Fuel System : multipoint injection
Fuel type : Petrol
htmlText_85B09508_8AFF_0287_41A0_B16416CB5C08.html = ENGINE
Engine Capacity:1.5L
Displacement (cc): 1462
Fuel System: multipoint injection
Fuel type: Petrol
Max Power 95HP
htmlText_85BA73FC_8AF5_057F_41E0_0AF2CE9FEB41.html =
Engine Capacity: 1.2L
Displacement (cc): 1197
Fuel System: Multipoint injection
Fuel type: Petrol
Max Power: 83HP
htmlText_9A06F2F0_8AD5_0787_41A7_6917A7FAD832.html = ENGINE
Engine Capacity: 1.6L
Displacement (cc): 1586
Fuel System: Multipoint injection
Fuel type: Petrol
htmlText_9AFBBC39_8AD5_02F9_41E0_68E37E0AEEC0.html = ENGINE
Displacement (cc): 796
Fuel System: Multipoint injection
Fuel type: Petrol
htmlText_F531CF91_E62A_AC3A_41CF_3A6D5CBB4E9F.html = ENGINE
Engine Capacity: 1:5L
Max Power: 102HP
Displacement (cc) : 1462
Fuel System : multipoint injection
Fuel type : Petrol
Front FOG Lamps and Halogen Lamps.
Tinted Windows
Dimensions (Lxwxh) in mm : 3645*1645*1725
4WD All Grip Pro
Curb weight (kg): 1090
Fuel tank capacity (L): 40
Two-tones colours Kinetic Yellow + Bluish Black Pearl 3 (DG5)
Two-tones colours Chiffon Ivory Metallic + Bluish Black Pearl 3 (2BW)
Two-tone colours Brisk Blue Metallic + Bluish Black Pearl 3 (CZW)
Two-tone colours Jungle Green (ZZC) Single-tone colours Exterior colour Bluish Black Pearl 3 (ZJ3)
Two-tone colours Jungle Green (ZZC)
Single-tone colours Silky Silver Metallic (Z2S)
Single-tone colours Exterior colour Bluish Black Pearl 3 (ZJ3)
Single-tone colours Medium Gray (ZVL)
Single-tone colours White (26U)
Manufacturer Warranty: 3 years/ 100.000km (whichever comes first)
Retail Network: Suzuki
### Title
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window_24FF77BE_34ED_DAA0_41B9_2C51FFB2BF37.title = SUZUKI - VITARA
window_3B4A6697_34EC_DD60_41C4_C12ABE638143.title = SUZUKI - ALTO
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window_C4BA34D4_D4F5_1CA7_4176_373E0D50FDA7.title = SUZUKI - CIAZ
window_C4DE1AED_D4CB_3461_41CC_B820036CCE3A.title = SUZUKI - JIMNY
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window_F3611047_F4DB_F3A1_41D6_A6A71F0615B9.title = SUZUKI - ALTO
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window_F65712C8_F437_14AF_41D3_B6781276918F.title = SUZUKI - VITARA
## Hotspot
### Tooltip
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## Action
### URL
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