#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Pension Boards Event July 2021 ## Skin ### Button Button_1B9A4D00_16C4_0505_4193_E0EA69B0CBB0.label = Floorplan Button_23F1F6EB_3CE4_7BE8_41B7_DBA95ADDC770.label = Welcome Screen Button_2451802A_3CDC_3668_41B3_8B4A6E09930D.label = Workshop Schedule Button_2FFEE61B_3E16_51BF_41C9_CB51F88F7BDD.label = Chat with PBUCC Button_338E8472_3E1A_3189_41C8_90AB3F6A1D70.label = Event Theater Button_4EBD888B_6662_0C90_419F_233113A5DDD5.label = Workshop Schedule Button_7ECED522_36A5_65A1_4168_01B145BD9652.label = JOIN WEBINAR DIRECTLY Button_96708B59_8B7F_288E_41C9_F11D93646ECC.label = SELL SHEETS Button_974D176A_8B7F_5882_41D5_5F088BC8517B.label = PRODUCT INFO Button_BF1EAC27_AE67_042E_41E2_CFD044B639EB.label = PBUCC Exhibit ### Multiline Text HTMLText_2F8A4686_0D4F_6B71_4183_10C1696E2923.html =
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On-Demand Workshop: Corporate Social Responsibility: Increasing Effectiveness Through Systemic Change
A review of the Pension Boards’ shareholder activism work and its impact on society, investments, and the environment.

On-Demand Workshop: Your Retirement Plan Investments
An overview of the Pension Boards’ retirement plan investment options which reflect UCC faith-based values in the management of members' pension assets.

PORTAL: Your Path to Securing Lifetime Annuity Income (Preview)
Watch this video preview for securing lifetime income.

Fireside Chat: Sustainable Balanced Fund
The way we invest impacts society, the economy, and the environment. Learn about the Pension Boards’ best-in-class Sustainable Balanced Fund, which invests in companies and industries that affect our world.

Target Annuitization Date (TAD) Funds: Hitting the Mark at Retirement
Simplify retirement investing with a Target Annuitization Date Fund.

Fireside Chat: Target Annuitization Date (TAD) Funds Update
Pension Boards’ Senior Analyst Minoti Dhanaraj provides an update on TAD Funds.

Fireside Chat: Market Volatility and Economic Impact of COVID-19
Dave Klassen, Chief Investment Officer shares the economic impact of COVID-19.

TAD Funds 2045 and 2050
Learn about the Pension Boards latest additions to its Target Annuitization Date (TAD) Fund lineup in this online resource.

Sustainable Balanced Fund
Learn about the Pension Boards’ best-in-class Sustainable Balanced Fund.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Increasing Effectiveness

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On-Demand Workshop: Helping UCC Ministers Lead Financially Healthy Lives
An overview of the Pension Boards’ Ministers’ Financial Vitality Initiative and the Securing the Future: Financial Justice for Ministers campaign.

On-Demand Workshop: UCC Grant Opportunities
An overview of the grant assistance available to eligible UCC members in the form of pension supplementation, health supplementation, and emergency grants, which has brought much-needed financial relief.

Faith & Finance in Action Podcast: "Is Your Current Debt Load Affecting Your Life and Ministry?
Practical tips on how you can assess your financial situation, minimize and control your debt, and keep you from building debt in the future.

Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGLI) Program
Description: NGLI equips, energizes, and empowers younger UCC local church pastors to build vibrant congregations.

Annuitant Visitor Program (AVP)
Watch an overview of the Annuitant Visitor Program, which seeks to provide an annual visit to over 6,000 retired clergy, missionaries, and their spouses/partners in the United Church of Christ.

Leadership Grant Opportunities
Learn about leadership initiatives that promote faithful and fruitful ministry across the United Church of Christ in this online resource.

Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGLI)
Get a quick overview of the NGLI program that is empowering younger UCC local church pastors to build vibrant congregation.

Annuitant Visitor Program
Get a quick overview of the NGLI program that is empowering younger UCC local church pastors to build vibrant congregations.

Ministers’ Financial Vitality Initiative (MFVI)
MFVI improves the financial wellness among UCC authorized ministers by helping ministers examine and develop strategies to pay down or eliminate debt.
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On-Demand Workshop: Member Services: Addressing Your Daily Needs
Watch this presentation on how the Pension Boards’ Member Services team works each day to serve your needs.

On-Demand Workshop: Retirement Plan Basics
Learn the fundamentals of retirement planning in this brief presentation.

NEWLY-RELEASED! 2021 Diversity in Our Workplace
The Pension Boards’ inaugural 2021 Diversity in Our Workplace — a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) report — highlights the organization's culture transformation journey and the progress it has made in establishing a renewed focus on its most important asset, its people.

Financial Wellness is Good for Your Health
Financial health is about understanding money, personal finances, and being aware of your money habits.

How PBUCC Determines Lifetime Annuity Payments
Learn how the Pension Boards determines the amount of monthly income annuity payments for members participating in the Basic Annuity or Participating Annuity.

Fireside Chat: The SECURE Act
Learn the key features of the SECURE Act and how it impacts clergy retirement planning and distribution planning.

PBUCC: Serving You in These Challenging Times
Watch this video to learn how the Pension Boards continues to serve you in challenging times.

Fireside Chat: Basic and Participating Annuities
If you are approaching retirement, you’ll want to learn about the two lifetime income annuity options available to you.

Employee Retirement Contribution Account
Supplement you employer's contributions or establish your own retirement savings plan through this pre-tax contribution plan.

Annuity Plan for the United Church of Christ
Learn the benefits of the Annuity Plan.

EY Tax Chat
Leave the tax preparation to the tax professionals. Learn about the EY Tax Chat service.

Five Reasons to Talk with a Financial Planner
People working with a financial planner are more likely to say they feel happy, confident, and stable. Learn why.

Focus on Your Financial Health
Take a closer look at your relationship with money.

Think Like a Saver
Learn the six ways to be a more mindful spender.

Retirement Savings Account
Learn how contributing to a Retirement Savings Account can help secure lifetime annuity income.
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On-Demand Workshop: Peace of Mind Through Better Health: A UCC Benefit Plans Review
See if you are maximizing UCC Benefit Plans in this health plan review.

Securing Health and Financial Wellness During Your Ministry Career
In this video, learn how the Pension Boards walks alongside you throughout your ministry career, offering you comprehensive benefit plans and services to help you reach your financial and health goals.

UCC Medicare Advantage Plan with Rx Q&A
The Pension Boards’ Health Plan Operations staff discusses the benefits and features of the UCC Medicare Advantage Plan with Rx.

Fireside Chat: Health Plan Updates
Learn about the Pension Boards’ expanded health care coverage during the pandemic.

A Discussion about the Flexible Benefit Plan for UCC Ministries
Learn about the features and benefits of the Flexible Benefit Plan for UCC Ministries.

Are You Maximizing These Comprehensive Benefits?
Description: Learn about some of the Pension Boards’ benefit plans and services.

UCC Medicare Advantage Plan with Rx
Description: Download or view the Humana Benefit Kit.

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On-Demand Workshop: Helping UCC Ministers Lead Financially Healthy Lives
An overview of the Pension Boards’ Ministers’ Financial Vitality Initiative and the Securing the Future: Financial Justice for Ministers campaign.

On-Demand Workshop: Philanthropy
A look at the program and services of the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance, the philanthropic arm of the Pension Boards.

Securing the Future: Financial Justice for Ministers
Watch this video about the Pension Boards and the National Setting of the United Church of Christ partnership to raise $3 million across the wider church in support of clergy financial wellness.

This time…Next time… and Every time.
Learn about the Pension Boards’ Generations of Service: Faith and Finance in Action campaign that is bold preparing to meet the needs of those who serve the Church.

Ministers’ Financial Vitality Initiative (MFVI)
MFVI improves the financial wellness among UCC authorized ministers by helping ministers examine and develop strategies to pay down or eliminate debt.

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