#: locale=it ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Estetica ## Skin ### Button Button_6B3517BB_64A6_3EE4_41D7_49868CE9F7A9_mobile.label = BUTTON Button_6B3DCC00_647A_DF9A_41D5_DC120403F72A_mobile.label = 360º VIEWS Button_727E644B_7DD2_675A_41A5_E1B24D4186E2.label = GO TO BUY Button_748008CC_648F_B8AA_41C2_97E5C5DE0CD2_mobile.label = PHOTOALBUM Button_750C11A1_648F_A89A_41C9_2E58278A81A6_mobile.label = INFORMATION Button_7DE3659A_6911_E2E0_41C3_93316288CBE4.label = GO TO BUY ### Multiline Text HTMLText_6BDD8039_64A6_31E4_41D7_D3C38C6C69F2.html =
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The Arcona 340, is a 34’1” monohull sailboat designed by Stefan Qviberg. She was built by Arcona Yachts.

Arcona 340's Performances:
Upwind sail area to displacementi: 26.25
Downwind sail area to displacementi: 45.91
Displacement-Length ratio (DLR)i: 156
Ballast ratioi: 37 %
Hull speedi: 7.60 knots
Arcona 340's Auxiliary engine
Engine(s): 1
Engine type: Inboard engine
Engine: 20 HP
Fuel type: Diesel
Fuel tank capacity: 26.4 gal

Arcona 340's Accommodation
Cabin(s): 2
Berth(s) (min/max): 4 / 6
Head(s): 1
Fresh water tank capacity: 34.3 gal
Water heater capacity: 5.3 gal
Holding tank capacity: 13.2 gal

Arcona uses resin infusion to create a light, strong hull and deck comprised of multiaxial rovings and vinylester resin with a Divinycell core. A galvanized steel framework in the base of the hull carries the loads generated by the rig and keel. All bulkheads are laminated to the hull and deck. The keel is a lead bulb bolted onto an epoxy-coated cast-iron fin. The keel-stepped mast is by Seldén. Standing rigging is wire.

A nearly plumb bow and a fairly abrupt reverse transom both look sharp and maximize the boat’s sailing length. End-boom sheeting with traveler and mainsheet controls immediately forward of the helm—right where they belong—show this is a boat that means business on the racecourse.

This is quite simply a nice boat, a sailor’s boat. Its quality construction, styling and many practical seagoing design features result in a smart and make for a fast, comfortable ride underway.

HTMLText_7DE3759A_6911_E2E0_41A7_C2659986BA1F.html =
The Arcona 340, is a 34’1” monohull sailboat designed by Stefan Qviberg. She was built by Arcona Yachts.

Arcona 340's Performances:
Upwind sail area to displacementi: 26.25
Downwind sail area to displacementi: 45.91
Displacement-Length ratio (DLR)i: 156
Ballast ratioi: 37 %
Hull speedi: 7.60 knots
Arcona 340's Auxiliary engine
Engine(s): 1
Engine type: Inboard engine
Engine: 20 HP
Fuel type: Diesel
Fuel tank capacity: 26.4 gal

Arcona 340's Accommodation
Cabin(s): 2
Berth(s) (min/max): 4 / 6
Head(s): 1
Fresh water tank capacity: 34.3 gal
Water heater capacity: 5.3 gal
Holding tank capacity: 13.2 gal

Arcona uses resin infusion to create a light, strong hull and deck comprised of multiaxial rovings and vinylester resin with a Divinycell core. A galvanized steel framework in the base of the hull carries the loads generated by the rig and keel. All bulkheads are laminated to the hull and deck. The keel is a lead bulb bolted onto an epoxy-coated cast-iron fin. The keel-stepped mast is by Seldén. Standing rigging is wire.

A nearly plumb bow and a fairly abrupt reverse transom both look sharp and maximize the boat’s sailing length. End-boom sheeting with traveler and mainsheet controls immediately forward of the helm—right where they belong—show this is a boat that means business on the racecourse.

This is quite simply a nice boat, a sailor’s boat. Its quality construction, styling and many practical seagoing design features result in a smart and make for a fast, comfortable ride underway.

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