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It started in 2038, when scientists across the world realised that we would not survive. The trees were dying, humanity was dying. The decision was made to genetically engineer trees which could withstand the drastically polluted situation Earth was in. Yet once they did, the trees started to spread, and took over the global landscape. These trees were bioengineered from the then unknown GETrees corporation, dominating over native species. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_094E595D_E6E4_C7EB_41C1_B70383EBE28C.text = 2093: the GETrees and FBS have been driven from the world’s landscapes by the sounds of people tending to the forests. Native species returned as humans formed a harmonious bond with nature, a bond which they had not had for centuries. The old way was new; a symbiotic relationship where Oak, Ash, and Hazel trees grew peacefully for decades alongside humans. Humankind had learned to never harm the trees again, as they knew they needed them for oxygen, and for shelter from the superstorms that now existed across the planet, and for their state of mind. Now, an oral tradition is carried down from generation to generation, across the United Kingdom and the world, ceremonial singing to the trees. In The Valley of the Rocks, an eighty-seven-year-old man emerged from his sheltering cave in the outcrops of sandstone, crouching over a new oak sapling bursting from the ground. He straightened, despite his crooked back, smiling, hearing his song echoing in the distance. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_98AC3B6A_E6A4_3BA9_41E1_4CD6F3F126F9.text = As i5 trudged from the marshlands, the land began to shift around them. Days became nights and open fields and abandoned roads transformed into paths with stones and cliffs leading the way. After days of plodding through Porlock Marsh and torrential rain, following the wind’s voice, they arrived, bruised and weary, at The Valley of the Rocks. The voice of the breathtaking wind ceased, as this was the destination to find the myth, Jamal the Musician. Pepper smiled. The Valley of Rocks was bare outcrops of sandstone. The shock of the cold froze them still as they stared at where they were. It was beautiful. Remote. Free of the GETrees. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_AE7BCDBB_FEAC_5EAF_41D1_78065082189B.text = Back to start. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_9C0BECFC_FFBD_FEA9_41E8_5E51799C0F7B.text = Gallery HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_A74EC270_E6BC_45B9_41C9_7FEACFC4A23B.text = However, a myth, a legend, a prophecy was carried in the whispers of the wind. It was said, amongst the last humans traversing the United Kingdom to escape the fate of FBS, that there was a mythical musician, Jamal, residing in a cave in The Valley of the Rocks. Jamal believed he knew what had happened when the scientific experiment of genetically modified trees went awry. He had thought of a way to cure FBS...or so the rumours said. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_AEA94CDD_E6BC_3EEB_41C0_427126A4E8FA.text = Jamal was aged forty-seven when the FBS outbreak started. He moved into a cave in The Valley of the Rocks where there were no trees and lived an existence of subsistence. He had a knife to kill goats and drink their milk, he fashioned a rod to fish in the Bristol Channel for Cod and Bass. He carved the shape of a guitar out of an old oak tree, goat bones, and horsehair for strings. Singing from his soul, he thought he would save humanity and nature. He would not be the one, as the song needed youth, born after the second wave of FBS, who were immune to the fungal spores. They would need to travel to the Horner River to the stream of freedom. Jamal waited years and years...no one came... HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_B1D0F238_E6A4_45A9_41E4_9763780A45C7.text = The wasteland began to take over in Porlock Marsh, ancient dead oak trees stuck lifeless in the earth. Motionless, holding the moment in time when FBS took over, ending most of the human population. The marsh was once a thriving eco-system full of Glasswort, Sea Purslane, Sea Aster, and animals such as Oystercatchers and Curlews. Porlock lay desolate, barren, void of animal lifeforms, other than crows black haunting with each squawk, threatening, as if beckoning humans to their end. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_F9C3CD3F_E6A4_7FA7_41E6_7532412C13C2.text = Then, with an unpredicted genetic mutation, fungal spores began to travel into lungs and create rashes on the skin, absorbing humans infected into new GETrees. The disease was named Funginum Borealis Sapien (FBS). The scientists then discovered FBS was spreading when people harmed or destroyed forests, woodlands, and other natural forms of trees. It began when a group of bio-scientists, dendrologists, were morphed into GETrees yet reported as disappeared to authorities. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_9683B08E_E6AC_4569_41EB_D41CF42D4FCB.text = They sat on the edge of the stream bank, sopping wet from a cloudburst of pouring rain, clothing hung heavily. Terror struck their faces as they looked to see impressions of people long forgotten woven into the knots of bark. Twisted, mortified faces, of agony. i5 continued fighting their way through the crowded yet lonely forest, as bracken, ferns, and brambles tore at their skin. They were ravenous, sleep deprived, and frozen to the bone. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_A945B896_FEA4_4579_41E4_716A828F407E.text = Walker noticed a sparking pool of water moving in the distance. He turned to Kat and the others with a contented smile through the sheer weariness of their pilgrimage. Following the sun’s sparkling vision of water, they had found the stream of freedom. Pepper removed a worn page Jamal had given her, and as he had suggested, began to sing to the remnant native trees that encircled the stream. The flow of the water carried her voice downstream and through the forests. As she sang, the invasive GETrees that had permeated the natural forest began to shake, yet there was no wind or storm. Antonio was first to hear giant cracking sounds erupting from the earth, causing all the GETrees to burst open, freeing the victims. In freedom, they in turn began to sing, and soon the forest was roaring with the sound of the chorus of human life. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_9168ADF2_E6AC_3EB9_41D6_2161A9ABFD45.text = When they least expected, a strange figure emerged from a cave, waving, holding a tree branch fashioned into a staff. Expressions of shock and elation spread warmth across faces, relief in eye watering happiness. For they had found him. Jamal the Musician. Not a myth, but a man. They waited in anticipation, focusing on what he would say. Jamal explained, with an old map of Somerset County, that they should follow the lines to Horner River. They were surprised when he told them what they needed to do once there. i5 were replenished by a meal Jamal prepared, of fresh Cod and goat’s milk. Diavana exclaimed that they would leave in the morning for Horner River. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_89F168E7_E6AD_C6A7_41E3_E416BC45B105.text = i5 set off on their journey refreshed, as the sun rose and lit the determination on their faces. They walked, navigating with the map. Days and nights became blurry. Yet they trudged through heather and gorse scattered sparingly. An old track worn into the road seemed unused, abandoned. In the distance, ominous shapes of the forest lurched ahead, dark spindly branches clawing outwards. When they reached the source to Horner River, they followed its winding watercourse to the stream of freedom, as they had been instructed by Jamal the Musician. HotspotPanoramaOverlayTextImage_DF9928F0_E6A3_C6B9_41CA_4AA7ACFE44EB.text = i5 were an immune group of five people who had watched their loved ones and the rest of humanity contract FBS. i5 was made up of Diavana Greenwood, the intelligent, Antonio Belima, the athlete, Pepper Pock, the singer, and siblings Kat and Walker Jones, the counter intuitive. i5 met after they reached out through radio, to find other survivors. They gathered from across Somerset in the central location of Porlock Marsh, forming a bond to find a cure to prevent further absorption of humans into GETrees. However, as they departed Porlock Marsh, this aim seemed hopeless. ## Media ### Audio audiores_4BDB7BD0_5681_6FDD_41D5_B3879A4D94EE.mp3Url = media/audio_5681AE0D_56FF_A847_41E1_D0CAA8F27521_en.mp3 audiores_7F783C44_5680_A8C5_41D7_359DD934A938.mp3Url = media/audio_78AA9367_5680_98C3_41D9_F69DF164ABC6_en.mp3 audiores_450934C1_7980_983F_41E8_57F21B7052C2.mp3Url = media/audio_7B596885_7980_A847_41E2_EFDB1E4BE2A3_en.mp3 audiores_45F9C003_7980_9843_41E1_305A57349199.mp3Url = media/audio_7E7F9DB4_7981_6845_41E4_A57A36ED92C9_en.mp3 audiores_46EA77F6_7980_A7C5_41D8_85F7F00F7D91.mp3Url = media/audio_7F0E4BA1_7980_A87F_41EC_286CD7872193_en.mp3 audiores_82FA439E_EEA7_CB69_41E2_94C68CDE7596.mp3Url = media/audio_805596CB_EEAC_4AEF_41B4_7E9C7178FC09_en.mp3 ### Image imlevel_9C307DFB_FF67_DEAF_41B6_CA813487215E.url = media/panorama_49861661_7983_F8FF_41AC_1DE9EDF71617_HS_lnw6t4cj_en.png imlevel_9C0FAF3B_FF64_3BAF_4173_8D3A5DCE64DC.url = 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The Arcona 340, is a 34’1” monohull sailboat designed by Stefan Qviberg. She was built by Arcona Yachts.

Arcona 340's Performances:
Upwind sail area to displacementi: 26.25
Downwind sail area to displacementi: 45.91
Displacement-Length ratio (DLR)i: 156
Ballast ratioi: 37 %
Hull speedi: 7.60 knots
Arcona 340's Auxiliary engine
Engine(s): 1
Engine type: Inboard engine
Engine: 20 HP
Fuel type: Diesel
Fuel tank capacity: 26.4 gal

Arcona 340's Accommodation
Cabin(s): 2
Berth(s) (min/max): 4 / 6
Head(s): 1
Fresh water tank capacity: 34.3 gal
Water heater capacity: 5.3 gal
Holding tank capacity: 13.2 gal

Arcona uses resin infusion to create a light, strong hull and deck comprised of multiaxial rovings and vinylester resin with a Divinycell core. A galvanized steel framework in the base of the hull carries the loads generated by the rig and keel. All bulkheads are laminated to the hull and deck. The keel is a lead bulb bolted onto an epoxy-coated cast-iron fin. The keel-stepped mast is by Seldén. Standing rigging is wire.

A nearly plumb bow and a fairly abrupt reverse transom both look sharp and maximize the boat’s sailing length. End-boom sheeting with traveler and mainsheet controls immediately forward of the helm—right where they belong—show this is a boat that means business on the racecourse.

This is quite simply a nice boat, a sailor’s boat. Its quality construction, styling and many practical seagoing design features result in a smart and make for a fast, comfortable ride underway.

HTMLText_7DE3759A_6911_E2E0_41A7_C2659986BA1F.html =
The Arcona 340, is a 34’1” monohull sailboat designed by Stefan Qviberg. She was built by Arcona Yachts.

Arcona 340's Performances:
Upwind sail area to displacementi: 26.25
Downwind sail area to displacementi: 45.91
Displacement-Length ratio (DLR)i: 156
Ballast ratioi: 37 %
Hull speedi: 7.60 knots
Arcona 340's Auxiliary engine
Engine(s): 1
Engine type: Inboard engine
Engine: 20 HP
Fuel type: Diesel
Fuel tank capacity: 26.4 gal

Arcona 340's Accommodation
Cabin(s): 2
Berth(s) (min/max): 4 / 6
Head(s): 1
Fresh water tank capacity: 34.3 gal
Water heater capacity: 5.3 gal
Holding tank capacity: 13.2 gal

Arcona uses resin infusion to create a light, strong hull and deck comprised of multiaxial rovings and vinylester resin with a Divinycell core. A galvanized steel framework in the base of the hull carries the loads generated by the rig and keel. All bulkheads are laminated to the hull and deck. The keel is a lead bulb bolted onto an epoxy-coated cast-iron fin. The keel-stepped mast is by Seldén. Standing rigging is wire.

A nearly plumb bow and a fairly abrupt reverse transom both look sharp and maximize the boat’s sailing length. End-boom sheeting with traveler and mainsheet controls immediately forward of the helm—right where they belong—show this is a boat that means business on the racecourse.

This is quite simply a nice boat, a sailor’s boat. Its quality construction, styling and many practical seagoing design features result in a smart and make for a fast, comfortable ride underway.

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## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = The Stream of Freedom