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Welcome to ACE Festival 2022!
Click on the white circles to move around and explore the festival. Virtual sessions are available out each building on the grounds. As you travel along the Pathways to Inclusion, learn about information and opportunities inside the industry. And be sure to take a few moments to enjoy our 2 (two) artscapes, featuring the work of artist Synthia SAINT JAMES.
Welcome again and enjoy!
htmlText_375A6434_2B56_EFB9_41B8_8B0C182B6087.html =
Welcome to ACE Festival 2022!
Click on the white circles to move around and explore the festivals. Travel along the Pathways to Inclusion to access our sessions, which are hosted at each building. Also take a moment to visit our artscapes to enjoy the work of Synthia SAINT JAMES. Welcome and enjoy!
htmlText_4D45E40A_5A5A_89A9_41D6_61BB8F9CDAFF.html =
As you tour the campus click on the various icons displayed to learn about the diversity programs offered within the entertainment industry and how to advance your career.
htmlText_4C7C0373_5A4D_8E78_41BA_721B7F8C74F5.html =
As you tour the campus click on the various icons displayed to learn about the diversity programs offered within the entertainment industry and how to advance your career.
htmlText_35668AE1_145E_789C_41B2_71D3BB0A9775.html =
Artist: D. Githuki
Artist Dancan Githuki (aka D. Githuki), due to no fault of his own, has thus far spent
all his life in impoverished areas of Nairobi, Kenya. Calling the Kibera Slums and
Mukuru kwa Njenga Slums, home for the first 21 years has given him a perspective
not often experienced by talented artists. While there has been many days that have
gone by when he was unable to eat because he could not afford food, very few days
past when he is not painting.
Passionate about drawing cartoons and animations since he was 7 years old, it was
at the age of 9 that a Sunday church sermon (Matthew 25:14-30, the “Parable of the
Talents”, which tells of a master who was leaving his house to travel, and, before
leaving, entrusted his property to his servants) helped put D. Githuki on his path of
becoming an artist. A few years later, at the age of 9, D. Githuki met a 21 year old
artist, and after sharing that he believed his “talent” was drawing and painting, he
was invited to join the Saturday mornings Mukuru Art Club. He continued to learn
and grow as an artist as part of this art club for the next 7 years.
D. Githuki has experience many things inside the slums that no child should have to,
and that many people outside of impoverished areas, and Africa, have not. His
current phase of his craft has him showcasing his daily observations outside of his
door in a positive light. He is a big believer that “every coin has a shiny part.”
His paintings reflect this belief, by capturing what he sees everyday in a positive,
upbeat, colorful and “shiny” manner.
Success as a young artist and entrepreneur is quickly approaching D. Githuki. In
addition to having several international clients with his paintings hanging on their
walls around the globe, his art pieces have been exhibited at art shows at the
Nairobi Museum of Kenya and Alliance Francaise, as well as at a fundraising event
for the Mukuru Art Club. Seventeen of his painting are being featured in his first solo
exhibition at Denzils & Jo Art Gallery in Melville (Johannesburg), South Africa. He
recently donated a painting to raise funds for the Alex Arts Academy (Alexandra
Township, South Africa) to help create a visual arts program for their over 120
students. His work will also be featured in the upcoming online NAACP ACE
Festival in the USA.
This young artist is certainly one to keep your eye on, as more and more of his work
is beginning to appear in galleries, museums and exhibitions around the world.
htmlText_08FD4F63_28EA_D733_41A0_600EC75CBC5D.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_366DAD2A_28BB_5B32_41AB_7E9E06A7D0B0.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_09AB5571_28EE_CB2F_41AD_CB25E23CFD1F.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_37734899_28BA_F91F_41B4_08E3F8B7A3FE.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_0A347F6D_28EB_5737_41B1_468744C4F198.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_37CC40B6_28B9_C915_4199_687340659A83.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_354D0B87_14CE_78A3_4183_46B5FABD03F9.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_371C9725_1452_09E4_41B5_6FCA80AAFD2B.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_35FEB88B_14F2_18AC_41A4_C940D73816EE.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_0A9A36C5_14F2_08A4_4188_7444A31B2A5B.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_3507D1E8_145E_086C_41B1_58B27DBA56AC.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_34BAD837_1452_07E4_41A2_9437A6BEB5CF.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_34EE4593_145E_08BC_41A2_6A225DE3597A.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_30655190_14D6_08BC_419B_40112077F191.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_353CE929_1452_19EC_41A2_A16709729E49.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_369165B8_14D2_08EC_41A2_C94216328ACA.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_35134D34_14D2_19E4_41B2_34383F82287F.html =
Artist: Synthia SAINT JAMES
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_0B1C7612_28EB_C8ED_41B0_508444D019D0.html =
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
htmlText_3CBB7B0C_2ABE_F969_41C2_F254D735AD7A.html =
Synthia SAINT JAMES’ art and celebrity has been utilized in numerous promotional campaigns for such companies as Royal Caribbean International, Johnson & Johnson’s Ambi, Liberty Mutual, Seagram’s, the Mark Taper Forum Theater, Union Bank of California, Washington Mutual Bank, Maybelline, Kayser-Roth, Coca Cola USA, Essence Communications, Barnes and Noble, and AARP (a painting design for Los Angeles’ Metro Rail Trains).
Her artwork in hospitals include commissioned originals for Glendale Memorial Hospital, Glendale, CA and Sisters of Providence, Seattle, WA, and fine art reproductions that grace the walls of such hospitals as Kaiser Permanente (several locations), Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, Glendale Adventist Medical Center, City of Hope Medical Center and Bridgeport Hospital.
SAINT JAMES’ public art designs include a 2’8”x150 foot ceramic tile mural for Ontario International Airport International Baggage Claim, Ontario, CA, six 6x9 foot elevator lobby door designs for California’s East End Complex, Sacramento, CA, three 45x22” stained glass windows for the West Tampa Library, Tampa, FL, a 4x7 foot ceramic tile mural for Cowan Elementary School, Westchester, CA, and a 4 story mural design for an affordable living complex in Los Angeles, CA.
United States Ambassadors have requested that the art of Synthia SAINT JAMES be included in the interior design of their embassies and residences - through the Art in Embassies Program - since the 1990s. A partial listing of the embassies include Caracas, Venezuela; Gagnoa, Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Abuja, Nigeria; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa; Asmara, Eritrea; Singapore; Lome, Togo; Valleta, Malta; and Juba, South Sudan.
SAINT JAMES’ licensees include Marriott Hotels and Resorts, who purchased the license to include fine art reproductions of her painting “Aruba Fantasy” in the 223 guestrooms of their Marriott Aruba Ocean Club in the Dutch West Indies. East Coast Graphics, her most recent licensee, acquired the rights to reproduce and sell fine art open end reproductions of her paintings to major retail outlets which now include Target, World Market, JC Penney, TJ Maxx and Homesense.
With a focus on multicultural figurative paintings, she also creates vibrant seascapes and landscapes - oftentimes combining both styles in one painting. She uniquely captures the cultural essence and beauty of the world.
SAINT JAMES’ artwork has been described as “ebullient”, “bold”, “she creates paintings that remind one of Matisse cutouts in their clear line and intense color” and “joyful”. “SAINT JAMES’ paintings have a healing power that soothes and comforts our souls.”
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real estate agent
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john doe
licensed real estate salesperson

Tlf.: +11 111 111 111

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
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consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

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Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
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• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac.
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john doe
licensed real estate salesperson

Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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address line 1
address line 2

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac.
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Panorama list:
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Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet
consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
## Tour ### Cookies Policy CookiesPolicy_32C93A57_147E_1BA4_418F_B9BC8196F689.url = naacp.org ### Description tour.description = Arts, Culture & Entertainment Festival ### Title tour.name = ACE Festival