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It also has a main archaeological street that includes several ancient baths and graveyards.
It holds the grave of a Roman general.
htmlText_9136199B_BEE7_1C6D_41C4_7B409E7018F0.html =
The Roman theater is one of the most important historical sites in the city.
And it is the second-largest archaeological theater in Syria after the Apamea Theater northwest of Hama.
htmlText_90BECB69_BEE9_1CAD_41CD_13D6ED9BC9B4.html =
An old wall surrounds the city with ancient doors still on its facade.
There are two large bridges in the city that date back to the Roman era.
A road to the citadel, which dates back to the first century, passes between them.
htmlText_914F1FF7_BD3B_13A5_41C7_6AAA64B6198B.html =
An old wall surrounds the city with ancient doors still on its facade.
There are two large bridges in the city that date back to the Roman era.
htmlText_AE775ACB_B52F_1DED_41D8_A9965B995CC9.html =
The city of Nabi Hori also known as Cyrus
Its located to the northwest of Afrin, Syria and 70 kilometers from Aleppo
The archaeological Citadel “Nabi Hori” is located in the city
## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = The Historical City of Nabi Hori