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flexiVOGUE Inspiration 13
FlexiVOGUE kits provide an attractive solution for any interior design style with a number of shelves and joinery
htmlText_E780FFA7_F5AB_9420_41E9_1849903A2A1F.html = flexiVOGUE Inspiration 5
FlexiVOGUE kits provide an attractive solution for any interior design style with a number of shelves and joinery etc.
htmlText_31FFF25C_001D_68DA_4134_8C401EC1F320.html = Accessories
An extensive range of accessories are available for Slatpanel, making it a complete wall merchandising system with endless possibilities.
htmlText_B8918C15_F7E8_7BE3_41E0_1C9AC3961CEF.html = Clothing Rack
Clothing hanger racks are the most effective, efficient and easiest way to present your clothing products, increase visibility and boost customer experience.
htmlText_4F432FC3_0065_F82E_4165_35BE5DF5BF29.html = Custom Made
We also work in collaboration with you to deliver customised interiors to suit the branding, aesthetics and specification needs of your business.
htmlText_AF4020EB_F679_AC27_41DB_A622779CE87A.html = Display Frames
Elevate your display with our 400mm square frames made from 32mm tubing. Ideal for stores, showrooms, and enthusiasts, these frames provide a versatile canvas for your treasures.
htmlText_374B786A_00E4_98FE_415C_935058FC7C61.html = Drawer Unit
Enhance retail and commercial spaces with our impeccable drawers, offering both durability and aesthetic appeal for seamless storage solutions.
htmlText_56E7518E_006F_A836_4114_F1B6AE164BF0.html = Fashion single rail Rack Adjustable 1200mm Matte Black
Clothing hanger racks are the most effective, efficient and easiest way to present your clothing products, increase visibility and boost customer experience.
htmlText_5B11EAF1_0064_B9EA_412E_5E2FBF7A4C7C.html = Fashion single rail Rack Adjustable 900mm Matte Black
Clothing hanger racks are the most effective, efficient and easiest way to present your clothing products, increase visibility and boost customer experience.
htmlText_B20E89BF_F699_9C1F_41A7_52E68F83FB73.html = Flexi Glass Shelf Brackets and Rails 600 White with Clear Glass
Designed to fit flexiWALL, flexiVOGUE and flexiPLUS systems at 600mm centres
htmlText_DB2F3109_FBCB_CDC9_41E0_7914FB6CA733.html = FlexiPlus Upright L Leg Modules
The system offers the creation of single or double-sided units in three heights using upright frames, in L or T leg designs.
htmlText_53863711_007B_682A_4148_4D123B2116FD.html = FlexiPlus Upright Modules 1355mm High
The structure is reinforced with cross-members and in-fill panels, top and base shelves, and complete with 50+ hang-rails and accessories.
htmlText_515D4D74_006C_98EA_4166_C0642C13258D.html = FlexiPlus Upright Modules 2355mm High
Transform any setting into a dynamic exhibit, effortlessly combining style and functionality for a captivating customer experience.
htmlText_500497C8_006B_683A_4147_23B5EACF8020.html = FlexiPlus Upright Starter Bay
1200w x 1355h
FlexiPlus upright starter bay , comprises 2 x uprights and 4 x cross-members , suits 1200mm FW 50 accessories.
htmlText_515873E3_007B_6FEE_4156_47CF8E2B3BBC.html = FlexiPlus Uprights & Cross Members
This system uses uprights and offset bars attached to the wall.
htmlText_566A84FA_002D_A9DE_4167_244FF4ED18AE.html = FlexiPlus
Click the link below to see one of our projects
for "My Ride Mt Manganui".
htmlText_50FB1D1C_001C_985A_4130_F2E2DD1CF448.html = FlexiPlus
The system offers the creation of single or double-sided units in three heights using upright frames, in L or T leg designs.
htmlText_57C64B1A_0067_B85E_415C_EDF0405D52F2.html = FlexiPlus
The system offers the creation of single or double-sided units in three heights using upright frames, in L or T leg designs.
htmlText_EC6CBBBD_FB38_7CC9_41C3_F37AC8C52E40.html = FlexiVogue Joinery
Elevate your spaces with bespoke woodworking that blends functionality and beauty seamlessly.
htmlText_EEBEF75E_FACB_D44B_41BD_0C0E6031D385.html = FlexiVogue Post & Offset
flexiVOGUE brings a totally new approach to the creative process of interior space management with its premium architectural styling and urban modularity.
htmlText_43BF15B2_002D_686E_414C_3497919A2ABC.html = FlexiVogue Upright L Leg Starter Bay
1200w x 2355h
flexiVogue upright L Leg starter bay , comprises 2 x uprights L Legs, 2 x cross-members and 1x pair of brace rods , suits 1200mm Flexi 50 accessories.
htmlText_4260F29F_0025_6856_4147_3F6BE0B9B0DB.html = FlexiVogue Upright L Leg Starter Bay
900w x 2355h
flexiVogue upright L Leg starter bay , comprises 2 x uprights L Legs, 2 x cross-members and 1x pair of brace rods , suits 900mm Flexi 50 accessories.
htmlText_54C326E8_003D_A9FA_4128_4629FD6F3A40.html = FlexiVogue
This flexible shelving system can be assembled quickly to create micro-architectural structures that are modifiable to define the purpose of individual spaces.
htmlText_5373BFDA_001B_F7DE_4137_B1558BFCCD24.html = FlexiVogue
This flexible shelving system can be assembled quickly to create micro-architectural structures that are modifiable to define the purpose of individual spaces.
htmlText_5EC442A3_003C_A86E_415A_A945651560D3.html = FlexiVogue
flexiVOGUE brings a totally new approach to the creative process of interior space management with its premium architectural styling and urban modularity.
htmlText_48042C66_0024_F8F6_413F_91EFAE6C9704.html = FlexiVogue
flexiVOGUE brings a totally new approach to the creative process of interior space management with its premium architectural styling and urban modularity.
htmlText_2ED1E63E_001C_A856_4114_7F086D5E6160.html = Flexiwall 50 Uprights
Module spacings are available in 600mm, 900mm or 1200mm and shelves are manufactured in-house to suit your needs, available in a range of colours, thicknesses and depths.
htmlText_3DDF4FF7_006C_B7D6_4124_F72D59830B0C.html = Flexiwall Gondolas
Elevate your retail space with our versatile floor display gondolas, maximizing product visibility and organization while captivating customers' attention.
htmlText_63B83A2D_0065_987A_4148_16F789715764.html = Flexiwall Hang Rails
Elevate your retail space effortlessly with our adaptable hang rails, perfect for displaying garments and accessories in a neat and eye-catching arrangement.
htmlText_5D11B4C9_0065_683A_4136_5CA3FD297392.html = Flexiwall Shelf Brackets
Elevate your displays with our sturdy and stylish shelf brackets, effortlessly turning any space into an organized showcase of your products.
htmlText_52F82CB7_001C_9856_414B_F08BE9D37553.html = Flexiwall Waterfall Arm 6 Pin 350mm
Fits all hang rails , constructed from 12.7 x31.8mm tube.
htmlText_D5ED161B_FB78_77C9_41E2_5F34791A9BCE.html = Flexiwall or FlexiPlus Shelves
All of our shelves are available in white or standard melamine colours.
Customized shelf sizes, finishes and styles are available on request.
htmlText_68CD6729_007D_E87A_4129_DD62A9D842D0.html = Flexiwall
Module spacings are available in 600mm, 900mm or 1200mm and shelves are manufactured in-house to suit your needs, available in a range of colours, thicknesses and depths.
htmlText_45994AA8_006F_987A_4143_A645000DB688.html = Flexiwall
Structurally supported by upright posts which are either fixed to the wall or used in combination with a wall bracket, a ceiling mount or offset bar options. Simply add, subtract shelf rails and accessories in minutes.
htmlText_3001B3DC_0025_AFDA_4103_879E58873480.html = Floor Gondola Frames
Elevate your retail space with our versatile floor display gondolas, maximizing product visibility and organization while captivating customers' attention.
htmlText_BD5481EE_F7A8_AC21_41EB_A194390DB2A1.html = Floor Gondola
With clean, slimline aesthetics and colour variety to match any interior design for retail shops and commercial showrooms.
htmlText_D6C18AAB_FB79_BCC9_41CD_3B8598A6825B.html = Hang Rail Accessories
Enhance your retail environment with our diverse hang rail accessories.
htmlText_D87A8FCF_FBC8_5449_41DB_7DB3D10F1BDD.html = Hang Rails
Transform any space into a clutter-free haven while adding a touch of modern style.
htmlText_5C94F5F8_0024_ABDA_4151_68F44A221330.html = Hang Rails
Elevate your retail space effortlessly with our adaptable hang rails, perfect for displaying garments and accessories in a neat and eye-catching arrangement.
htmlText_528745BB_0065_A85E_4161_1955CE35875A.html = Hang Rails
Maximize store efficiency and customer engagement while adding a touch of organized sophistication to your merchandise presentation.
htmlText_5632CC4F_001B_7836_4140_4F3C71DABD4C.html = Hang Rails
Maximize store efficiency and customer engagement while adding a touch of organized sophistication to your merchandise presentation.
htmlText_E3BF5528_FB38_D5F7_41E7_EBA7316B15E4.html = Hang Rails
Transform any space into a clutter-free haven while adding a touch of modern style.
htmlText_67A64029_002D_A87A_4138_6F2E0C7DF070.html = Kubos Frame Modules
425mm d x 2400mm h
Each cube in the Kubos system is a self-contained unit that can be stacked and arranged in a variety of ways. The cubes are made from 25mm square metal tubes and finished in a matte powdercoat finish and are designed to be durable and long-lasting.
htmlText_68D1052C_002C_A87A_4130_F8B063B59588.html = Kubos Frame Modules
625mm d x 2400mm h
Each cube in the Kubos system is a self-contained unit that can be stacked and arranged in a variety of ways.
htmlText_61436835_00E5_B86A_4173_C499FC3D5F5B.html = Kubos
Each cube in the Kubos system is a self-contained unit that can be stacked and arranged in a variety of ways.
htmlText_C9FDA6E4_FB58_F47F_41DB_ED70F817DD12.html = Kubos
The system is designed to be versatile and adaptable, allowing users to create unique configurations that suit their specific needs and preferences.
htmlText_642E042D_00E5_A87A_4157_8BAF6D1C1CDA.html = Kubos
Each cube in the Kubos system is a self-contained unit that can be stacked and arranged in a variety of ways.
htmlText_530FD77E_001D_E8D6_414E_9DF9283F60BA.html = Mannequins Bodyforms & Heads
Enhance your brand’s retail presentation, drive more sales and improve your overall customer and business experience with Surestyle’s premium range of clothing mannequins.
htmlText_5E02FBC9_003B_983A_4155_0730BCBA9C59.html = Mannequins Bodyforms & Heads
Enhance your brand’s retail presentation, drive more sales and improve your overall customer and business experience with Surestyle’s premium range of clothing mannequins.
htmlText_603B88F2_0024_F9EE_4161_2481A94F2F28.html = Shelf Brackets
Achieve both functionality and aesthetics, enhancing your retail environment with these essential tools for effective merchandise presentation.
htmlText_59B59793_0067_A82E_415E_8C2402E939B1.html = Shelves
Elevate your product presentation with our versatile display shelves, designed to accentuate items while optimizing space.
htmlText_4E1D07CC_0067_A83A_414C_535495207F0C.html = Shelves
All shelves are available in white or standard melamine colours. Customized shelf sizes, finishes and styles are available on request.
htmlText_527FA61E_0064_E856_4148_AEB9E66EDCDA.html = Shelves
Turn any area into a captivating showcase, enhancing both aesthetics and organization effortlessly.
htmlText_4B316B02_006C_982E_4142_456E9048387C.html = Single Rail & Z Shape Racks
The single rail design provides a minimalist and open feel, allowing your products to take center stage while maintaining an uncluttered appearance.
htmlText_BA149968_F7BB_BC21_4195_AA7FF3D16438.html = Slat Panel
Slat wall panels provide a display canvas with more than 50 interchangeable accessories to customise your retail space.
htmlText_2E81CBF9_002F_BFDA_4126_39DAF59CF820.html = Slat Panel
Slat wall panels provide a display canvas with more than 50 interchangeable accessories to customise your retail space.
Link to website
htmlText_D8B0C9E5_FBC8_7C79_41E4_25CD80A83E18.html = Slatgrid / Wiregrid
Elevate your retail space with versatile slatgrid systems. Showcase products with style and flexibility, creating dynamic displays that capture attention and drive sales.
htmlText_5CF0146C_0027_A8FA_4153_67CAD32AED68.html = Slatpanel Panels
Slat wall panels provide a display canvas with more than 50 interchangeable accessories to customise your retail space.
htmlText_D76FC331_FB48_CDD9_41E1_3242EF91212F.html = Slatpanel Panels
Slat wall panels provide a display canvas with more than 50 interchangeable accessories to customise your retail space.
htmlText_55B8E8AB_006C_F87E_4152_74AE76AAE832.html = Slatpanel Panels
Unleash your creativity with our adaptable slat panels, offering a versatile backdrop to showcase your merchandise elegantly.
htmlText_E740B757_FB58_D459_41BA_5F6A4D93669B.html = Slatpanel
Modify your slat panels with custom sized shelving, hanging racks and other slatwall accessories for a new merchandising layout in minutes, without complicated procedures.
htmlText_EB6811F2_FAD8_CC5B_41E8_34D20ECEF711.html = X Rack with Extensions Black
Clothing hanger racks are the most effective, efficient and easiest way to present your clothing products, increase visibility and boost customer experience.
htmlText_2F443712_002D_682E_4128_01CD97515E98.html = X Rack with Extensions Black
Clothing hanger racks are the most effective, efficient and easiest way to present your clothing products, increase visibility and boost customer experience.
Link to website
htmlText_53D56DAF_006C_9876_414B_E1B46094D4C5.html = X Rack with Extensions Black
Clothing hanger racks are the most effective, efficient and easiest way to present your clothing products, increase visibility and boost customer experience.
htmlText_AE451F4F_F698_747F_417F_EFBD0A4B1B95.html = flexiPLUS Enviroment Inspiration 2
The system offers the creation of single or double-sided units in three heights using upright frames, in L or T leg designs. The structure is reinforced with cross-members and in-fill panels, top and base shelves, and complete with 50+ hang-rails and accessories.
htmlText_ADC45751_F6EF_9463_41ED_C54FA902077C.html = flexiPLUS Enviroment Inspiration 3
The system offers the creation of single or double-sided units in three heights using upright frames, in L or T leg designs. The structure is reinforced with cross-members and in-fill panels, top and base shelves, and complete with 50+ hang-rails and accessories.
htmlText_4E6BDA92_006F_982E_4160_8ABBA20256F8.html = flexiPLUS Inspirations
Create freestanding perimeter racking or shelving displays, dividing walls, continuous gondolas and highlight floor racking, with optional backing panels and integrated joinery.
htmlText_50C66552_006C_A82E_4157_3B25F3954541.html = flexiPLUS Inspirations
The structure is reinforced with cross-members and in-fill panels, top and base shelves, and complete with 50+ hang-rails and accessories.
htmlText_A0F27371_F6EB_AC20_41B3_F4CEB74EA0F7.html = flexiPLUS Inspirations
The system offers the creation of single or double-sided units in three heights using upright frames, in L or T leg designs. The structure is reinforced with cross-members and in-fill panels, top and base shelves, and complete with 50+ hang-rails and accessories.
htmlText_AEC3783A_F6F8_BC21_41E0_C9D43C0EF8FC.html = flexiPLUS Inspirations
The system offers the creation of single or double-sided units in three heights using upright frames, in L or T leg designs. The structure is reinforced with cross-members and in-fill panels, top and base shelves, and complete with 50+ hang-rails and accessories.
htmlText_E77B315E_FB48_4C4B_41D6_06229068CAF9.html = flexiTUBO Gondola Frames
FlexiTubo is a modular display system that utilizes 32mm round tubes as the building blocks of its structure.
htmlText_557E8F21_01E5_786A_4147_1552BB0C61BC.html = flexiTUBO Gondola Frames
The 32mm round tubes used in the FlexiTubo system are made of steel tube and powdercoated in a durable Mannex matte finish powdercoat.
htmlText_AAFB532B_F6A8_6C27_41D1_4599A90A89DC.html = flexiTUBO Inspiration 2
FlexiTubo is a modular display system that utilizes 32mm round tubes as the building blocks of its structure.
htmlText_ACDA348A_F698_B4E1_41E8_C3D1D1807C08.html = flexiTUBO Inspiration 3
FlexiTubo is a modular display system that utilizes 32mm round tubes as the building blocks of its structure.
htmlText_A80D5C58_F6AB_9461_41A5_43DA8D7540F2.html = flexiTUBO Inspirations
FlexiTubo is a modular display system that utilizes 32mm round tubes as the building blocks of its structure.
htmlText_A856FC06_F6A8_FBE0_41CF_3296F0D9804E.html = flexiTUBO Inspirations
FlexiTubo is a modular display system that utilizes 32mm round tubes as the building blocks of its structure.
htmlText_579356C1_01E5_A82A_416E_3E3E4270F176.html = flexiTUBO Inspirations
The 32mm round tubes used in the FlexiTubo system are made of steel tube and powdercoated in a durable Mannex matte finish powdercoat.
htmlText_E614DE9F_FB4F_D4C9_41E3_1CC14C598E42.html = flexiTUBO Inspirations
This system is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing for the creation of custom displays for a variety of applications.
htmlText_E7C3246C_FB48_544F_41E3_38ECDF02326D.html = flexiTUBO Upright Modules 2363mm H
FlexiTubo is a modular display system that utilizes 32mm round tubes as the building blocks of its structure.
htmlText_54272959_01FB_98DA_4152_25C9BFE67392.html = flexiTUBO Upright Modules 2363mm H
FlexiTubo is a modular display system that utilizes 32mm round tubes as the building blocks of its structure.
htmlText_5551C73B_01EF_A85E_4137_9C631C78C65A.html = flexiTUBO Upright Modules 2363mm H
The tubes can be easily connected and disconnected using a variety of connectors and fasteners, allowing for quick and easy assembly and disassembly of the display.
htmlText_54D440A9_01ED_A87A_4134_F33EBBCBFAF4.html = flexiTUBO
FlexiTubo is a modular display system that utilizes 32mm round tubes as the building blocks of its structure.
htmlText_E21DC45C_FACF_B44F_41DF_01083010DDBC.html = flexiVOGUE Base Units
Elevate your spaces with bespoke woodworking that blends functionality and beauty seamlessly.
htmlText_3ED4987A_0024_B8DE_4136_D3684B4CF22C.html = flexiVOGUE Inspiration 14
FlexiVOGUE brings a totally new approach to the creative process of interior space management with its premium architectural styling and urban modularity.
htmlText_BD21848B_F7B8_F4E0_41E0_CFF9636FDE2E.html = flexiVOGUE Inspiration 15
FlexiVOGUE kits provide an attractive solution for any interior design style with a number of shelves and joinery etc.
htmlText_2E434E82_00ED_782E_410C_CAA9686EB600.html = flexiVOGUE Inspiration 1
This flexible shelving system can be assembled quickly to create micro-architectural structures that are modifiable to define the purpose of individual spaces.
htmlText_60AF1915_002C_B82A_4143_813E1FFF88D9.html = flexiVOGUE Inspiration 9
This flexible shelving system can be assembled quickly to create micro-architectural structures that are modifiable to define the purpose of individual spaces.
htmlText_EFB02D60_FAFB_F477_41E8_1F43F58C0306.html = flexiVOGUE inspirations
This flexible shelving system can be assembled quickly to create micro-architectural structures that are modifiable to define the purpose of individual spaces.
htmlText_5094CC5C_0067_B8DA_411C_72460FF5C040.html = flexiVOGUE inspirations
flexiVOGUE brings a totally new approach to the creative process of interior space management with its premium architectural styling and urban modularity.
htmlText_5D45F6AE_003C_A876_4152_2A3715E68574.html = flexiVOGUE inspirations
flexiVOGUE brings a totally new approach to the creative process of interior space management with its premium architectural styling and urban modularity.
htmlText_A0C88C71_F7E9_9420_41D6_D49EF5488B4F.html = flexiVOGUE inspirations
FlexiVOGUE kits provide an attractive solution for any interior design style with a number of shelves and joinery.
htmlText_A23FF7DD_F7F8_9460_41DF_B2457742F622.html = flexiWALL Enviroment Inspiration 1
Flexiwall can be offset from the wall or fixed directly to it while providing shelving and hanging options.
htmlText_382FE59F_0067_A856_4130_99721E00FD16.html = flexiWALL Enviroment Inspiration 2
FlexiWALL is a modular multi-configurational shelf rail and brackets system that is modernising retail shop fit-out design and construction.
htmlText_BBDDC59A_F7A8_94E1_41E1_2E61407FD6EA.html = flexiWALL Enviroment Inspiration 3
Flexiwall can be offset from the wall or fixed directly to it while providing shelving and hanging options.
htmlText_31BCA538_002C_A85A_413A_75A27E1507F0.html = flexiWALL Inspiration 2
Module spacings are available in 600mm, 900mm or 1200mm and shelves are manufactured in-house to suit your needs, available in a range of colours, thicknesses and depths.
htmlText_658115CB_007C_A83E_4137_076D828E6948.html = flexiWALL Inspirations
FlexiWALL is a modular multi-configurational shelf rail and brackets system that is modernising retail shop fit-out design and construction.
htmlText_B84A065C_F7E8_9460_41C8_1D0E09F7AEEC.html = flexiWALL
Flexiwall can be offset from the wall or fixed directly to it while providing shelving and hanging options.
htmlText_61A9FC15_00EB_F82A_4170_36490CD7DA91.html = kubos 425mm deep
Elevate your retail or commercial interior with our precision-crafted Kubos joinery solutions, seamlessly combining form and function for versatile storage and display.
htmlText_67903A10_001D_982A_4160_9F57F1A718C4.html = kubos 425mm deep
Transform spaces with sophisticated organization, reflecting professionalism and style that resonate with customers and clients alike.
htmlText_CC9EB3B7_FB49_CCD9_41C0_F40484E57A96.html = kubos Base Cabinets
Experience the art of organization with our cube joinery solutions. Crafted for both form and function, our cubes elegantly declutter your space while adding a touch of contemporary design.
htmlText_A8EEC92A_F6B8_FC21_41EE_E7E53FD736FF.html = kubos Coat Rail 1200mm
Constructed from 21.8mm round tube ,designed to fit Kubos system.
htmlText_65DFAF9C_0025_985A_4141_D75BF174C848.html = kubos Cubes
Elevate your retail or commercial interior with our precision-crafted Kubos joinery solutions, seamlessly combining form and function for versatile storage and display.
htmlText_D93764D2_FBC8_545B_41D4_BCE16C7E81A5.html = kubos Cubes
Crafted for both form and function, our cubes elegantly declutter your space while adding a touch of contemporary design.
htmlText_D56DB2E6_FB58_4C7B_41E0_155FB73F0A58.html = kubos Cubes
Transform your display vision into reality with our Kubos cube. Versatile, customizable, and aesthetically pleasing, it's the perfect platform to showcase your products in style.
htmlText_601E6EC3_00FC_B82D_4111_E6967EFC8018.html = kubos Environment Inspiration 6
The system is designed to be versatile and adaptable, allowing users to create unique configurations that suit their specific needs and preferences.
htmlText_606339FF_00EF_7BD6_416D_4D6991AE0238.html = kubos Inspiration 10
The cubes are made from 25mm square metal tubes and finished in a matte powdercoat finish and are designed to be durable and long-lasting.
htmlText_BE4089CB_F79F_BC67_41DC_F3746F7A8652.html = kubos Inspiration 17
The Kubos Modular Display System is a perfect storage solution for your home, allowing endless display options for books, objects and technology.
htmlText_60B81E1F_00FC_B856_4173_97BFF9899907.html = kubos Inspiration 1
Kubos is a modular cube system that consists of interconnected frames and connectors that can be arranged and configured in various ways to create customizable furniture, zoning dividers, storage units, visual merchandising displays and interior design elements.
htmlText_BD685C12_F7A8_9BE0_41ED_58BB549FB604.html = kubos Inspiration 8
The Kubos Modular Display System is a perfect storage solution for your home, allowing endless display options for books, objects and technology.
htmlText_DAC81113_FBFF_CDD9_41CF_C1C4EB151FE8.html = kubos Inspirations
Each cube in the Kubos system is a self-contained unit that can be stacked and arranged in a variety of ways.
htmlText_A82FD9DE_F6BB_9C61_41EA_41C547C1547F.html = kubos Inspirations
Kubos is a modular cube system that consists of interconnected frames and connectors that can be arranged and configured in various ways to create customizable furniture, zoning dividers, storage units, visual merchandising displays and interior design elements.
htmlText_67023390_0027_682A_4154_69FCE5ADA328.html = kubos Inspirations
The cubes are made from 25mm square metal tubes and finished in a matte powdercoat finish and are designed to be durable and long-lasting.
htmlText_63559A62_001C_98EE_4122_786C8964CB30.html = kubos Inspirations
The cubes are made from 25mm square metal tubes and finished in a matte powdercoat finish and are designed to be durable and long-lasting.
htmlText_60C68BE6_00EB_9FF7_416E_0B2F4B053EFC.html = kubos Inspirations
The cubes are made from 25mm square metal tubes and finished in a matte powdercoat finish and are designed to be durable and long-lasting.
htmlText_612C77DE_00EB_97D6_415A_59E48239107E.html = kubos Joinery
Users can easily reconfigure their Kubos setup to accommodate changing needs or to fit in with new interior design schemes.
htmlText_62EF8AFD_0025_99DA_4162_A16B98D927AA.html = kubos Planter Boxes
Elevate your green space with our modern cube planter boxes, seamlessly blending nature and design to create a stylish oasis.
htmlText_DBAE9A95_FBFB_DCD9_41D6_1F9FE9838814.html = kubos Planter Boxes
Intertwine nature and design effortlessly with our joinery planter boxes. Elevate your surroundings while embracing greenery in a harmonious blend of craftsmanship and nature.
htmlText_60CBFE9A_00EF_985E_416E_A4194675231A.html = kubos Planter Boxes
Transform any environment into a refreshing haven, effortlessly merging aesthetics and functionality for captivating botanical displays.
htmlText_5ECF4334_00FF_686A_412E_5EBB4B488AA0.html = kubos frames and connectors
Kubos is a modular cube system that consists of interconnected frames and connectors that can be arranged and configured in various ways to create customizable furniture, zoning dividers, storage units, visual merchandising displays and interior design elements.
## Skin
### Tooltip
IconButton_138AC8EB_1C81_A718_41B9_C0E861AF42F4.toolTip = Fullscreen
IconButton_138AC8EB_1C81_A718_41B9_C0E861AF42F4_mobile.toolTip = Fullscreen
## Tour
### Description
### Title
tour.name = Surestyle Virtual Showroom